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发布时间:2018-09-15 19:08:29 影响了:
英语口语网权威发布求职面试英语口语:PhonePassTM SET,更多求职面试英语口语相关信息请访问英语口语网。

PhonePassTM SET考试是通过电话的方式测试受试者口语水平的测试方法。它可以在五到十二分钟的电话交谈中测定出参试者的英语口语实际听说能力,由智能电脑系统自动评分。计分是根据被测试者在测试期间的电话交谈中实际使用的词汇、以及在所运用的句子和短语中体现出的语速、流利程度及发音情况来评估的。该测试服务和测试结果为美国、加拿大、德国和中国香港政府所接受认可。目前,一些外企已经在招聘考试中采用PhonePassTM SET来测试应聘者的口语能力,比如全球第一大日用品公司宝洁。

为了帮大家熟悉一下PhonePassTM SET考试,我们特将宝洁公司的考试样卷提供给大家(注:样卷,非实际考试应用的试卷)。

Thank you for calling Ordinate"s testing system.
Please enter your Test Identification Number on the telephone keypad.
Now, please say your name.
Now, please follow the instructions for Parts A through E.

Part A: Reading. Please read the sentences as you are instructed.
1. Traffic is a huge problem in Southern California.
2. The endless city has no coherent mass transit system.
3. Sharing rides was going to be the solution to rush-hour traffic.
4. Most people still want to drive their own cars, though.
5. Larry"s next door neighbors are awful.
6. They play loud music all night when he"s trying to sleep.
7. If he tells them to stop, they just turn it up louder.
8. He wants to move out of that neighborhood.
9. My aunt recently rescued a dog that was sick.
10. She brought her index and named her Margaret.
11. They weren"t sure she was going to live, but now she"s healthy.
12. I just wish she could get along better with their cat.

Part B: Repeat. Please repeat each sentence that you hear.
a voice says, "Leave town on the next train."
and you say, "Leave town on the next train."

Part C: Questions. Now, please just give a simple answer to the questions.
a voice says, "Would you get water from a bottle or a newspaper?"
and you say, "a bottle." or "from a bottle."

Part D: Sentence Builds. Now, please rearrange the word groups into a sentence.
a voice says, "was reading" ... "my mother" ... "her favorite magazine"
and you say, "My mother was reading her favorite magazine."

Part E: Open Questions. You will have 20 seconds


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