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检查 英语 检查卫生常用英语

发布时间:2019-07-29 09:13:54 影响了:


进门问好:May I come in?

Good evening, ladies/ gentlemen! We are members of Self —Discipline Commission . Sorry to disturb you at night , but we ’d like to check out how you are getting along with English Dormitory, may we? (OK) Thank you so much.

检查询问:Is everyone here?

Who is the dorm leader?

What ’s your topic today? / What ’s your plan tonight? / Could you piefly explain your program tonight for us?

How often do your teacher come to see you?

May I have a look at your English daily record?

What are you busy with recently?

How many people among you have passed CET4 and CET6 respectively?(CET: College English band)

Do you often discuss together or just read books individually? Have you met with any difficulties when putting plans into practice? / Do you have any good suggestions about English dormitory? 离开告别:

Ok, that’s enough for us to know the general situation of your work. Thank you for your kind cooperation. Wish you sweet dreams tonight! Bye —bye

1、为了您和他人的安全, 请配合我们的安全检查工作

For the sake of the safety of you and the others, please coordinate our security check work.


Thank you for your cooperation with our work


Please make your room tidy and put everything in the right place.


Your bedroom is very untidy. Please put your things away tidily


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