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【英语写作文章的开头怎么写】 英语写作格式

发布时间:2019-08-07 10:27:55 影响了:



Any school is probably going to get its share of incompetent teachers. I’m told that last year a history professor came to class to give a final exam and then realized he’d forgotten to make one up. Professor Smith tells jokes nobody understands and keeps chuckling to himself about them through the whole class period. Professor Young doesn’t return the mid-term papers until the last day of class, so her students never know how they’re doing until it’s too late. As far as I’m concerned, though, the biggest dud of all is Professor Johnson, my philosophy instructor. He is not prepared for class, does not know the subject well, and he lacks a sense of humor.

在这篇文章中,第一句话是本段落的主题句,亮出了作者的观点,这是开门见山的方法。紧接着举了三个例子来说明不称职的教师的三个特点。然后转入篇题句As far as I’m concerned, though, the biggest dud of all is Professor Johnson, my philosophy instructor,这是作者本篇文章要具体讨论的,说明了本篇文章的具体内容。最后从老师的备课情况、专业知识水平和幽默感三方面列出了文章的展开计划。


1) 出人意料的联系


A revolutionary event took place at Raleigh Tavern in 1776, an event that has added an important dimension to my life at college. In fact, nearly all American undergraduates are affected in some way by the actions of several students from the College Of William and Mary on December 5, 1776. The formation of the first Greek-letter fraternity, Phi Beta Kappa, started the American college fraternity-sorority tradition that today can be an important addition to your undergraduate education.

2) 似非而是

Here in Sonoma County, California, a missing girl is everywhere. If you forget her for a moment, allowing yourself to get caught up in the rush of your own affairs, suddenly her face is smiling at you from the door of the bank, the post office, the bookstore pinging you back to the reality of her absence.

这里a missing girl is everywhere是个似非而是的句子。它听起来似乎不合情理。但细想又有道理。因为在你去的所有地方(包括银行、邮局、书店等)忙于你个人的事的时候,都会




When was the last time you opened a carton in a fast-food restaurant to find a hamburger as appetizing as the ones in the TV commercials? Did you ever look past the counter help to catch a glimpse of a juicy hamburger patty, handsomely panded by the grill, sizzling and crackling as it glides over roaring flames, with tender juices sputtering into the fire?



William Labov, a noted linguist, once said about the use of black English, “it is the goal of most black Americans to acquire full control of the standard language without giving up their own culture.” He also suggested that there are certain advantages to having two ways to express one’s feelings. I wonder if the good doctor might also consider the goals of those black Americans who have full control of standard English but who are every now and then troubled by that colorful, grammar-to-the-winds patois that is black English. Case in point-me.



Did you ever want to leap a tall building I a single bound? I did. Did you ever want to be more powerful than a locomotive? I did. Did you ever want to be faster tan a speeding bullet? I did. As you can tell, I was warped early by the influence of comic books.


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