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英语日常口语 Unit93:An old friend calls老朋友的电话
Tim: Hello?
Janet: It"s Janet Hall here.
Tim: Janet! How did you get my number?
Janet: Oh, a bit of detective work and a chat with a lovely gal in the Human Resources department.
Tim: Well, I"m glad you called. I"ve got so much to thank you for. I was branded a cheat, a liar and a thief, but because of you I"m beginning to clear my name.
Janet: It was nothing, honestly. The truth will out, as they say. But all"s not quite well with you yet. I hear you got the boot.
Tim: No, I quit. It was a matter of principle. But you"re right - quit, fired - it comes to the same thing. No job, no money, no prospects.
Janet: And you think I"d stand for that?
Vocabulary 字汇
gal (informal) 女孩,女的
branded 加上污名
given a bad name or reputation (usually unfairly)
to clear my name 恢复名誉
to prove that I am innocent of a crime or of some bad behaviour
The truth will out 真相大白(saying)
Even if you try to keep something a secret, people will find out the true facts eventually
got the boot 被迫辞职
were forced to leave your job
quit 辞职(出于自己意愿的)
leave your job through your own choice
prospects (always plural) 前途
chances for future success in employment, education etc.
本单元的语言点是 "stand" 短语动词,请看下面的解释和例句
Phrasal verbs 7 - with "stand"
Introduction 引言
Phrasal verbs (also known as multi-word verbs ) are verbs made of two or more words. The first word is a verb and the second word (known as a particle) is either a preposition or an adverb. Some phrasal verbs can have two particles.
Phrasal verbs with one particle: stand up, let down, fall for, ask out, settle down
Phrasal verbs with more than one particle: go out with, take care of
The meaning of phrasal verbs changes according to the particle that follows the main verb. Sometimes a verb-particle combination can have more than one meaning, according to the context in which it is used.
Below are som


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