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发布时间:2018-10-30 04:40:32 影响了:

爱你 | 毁你

You to the love you |

成绩优异的学生 | 情霸

Students with excellent grades | bully

鱼刺| | 猫骨|

Barb | | | cat bone

纠结。 | 缠绵。

Entanglements. | lingering.

割腕。 | 凌迟。

Cut his wrists. | the year.

心泣。 | 泣泪。

Heart qi. | cry tears.

奴隶 | 囚犯

The slave prisoners |

内裤 . | 内衣 .

Underwear. | underwear.

往日 & | 昔日 &

Past & | & former

爸比 | 可恶

Dad is worse than |

想你 | 念你

Think you | read you

格子 | 条纹

Grid | stripe

缠绕。 | 索绕。

Winding. | around.

枪决| | 毙命|

Expired shot | | |

唯美。 | 高清。

Only beautiful. | hd.

零点。 | 断点。

Zero point. | the breakpoint.

&勿失: | &勿忘:

& don"t miss: | & not forget:

缘浓。 | 福浅。

Good luck. | the shallow.

艾璐 | 沫燃

YiLu | spray combustion

诉说。 | 聆听。

Complained of. | to listen.

放你! | 纵我!

Put you! | longitudinal me!!!!!!!

最初 |最末

At the end of initial |

此端 | 彼端

This end | oh

熙爷、 | 安爷、

Xian ye, ye | Ann,

红颜 |蓝颜

Beauty | blue yan

?悍妻 | ?萌夫

? Katherine wife |? MOE,

痴心 |妄想

Infatuation | delusion.

深海 | 恐光

Deep sea | will light

瘾° | 祭°

Addiction ° | offering °

生不对 | | 死不起 |

Have no | | | death

回眸。 | 凝笑。

Looking back. | coagulation laugh.

情男 | 恋女

Love man | love woman

旧梦。 | 失辞。

Nostalgia. | loss.

久爱 | 不腻

Long love | not greasy

长情 | 久伴

Long long love | companion

不离 |不弃

| don"t abandon

固执。 | 偏执。

Stubborn. | paranoid.

孤街。 | 闹巷。

Lonely street. | lane.

心劫 | 梦靥 ?

Heart of | nightmare?

痴男。 | 怨女。

Chi man. | hatred.

゛_鱼七 |  ゛_猫九

Seven | ゛ _ fish ゛ _ nine cats

烂心 - |滥情 -

- | promiscuous - bad heart

嫉妒。 | 羡慕。

Jealousy. | envy.

成绩优异的学生 | 情渣

Students with excellent grades | slag



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