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发布时间:2018-09-22 04:18:53 影响了:

To be or not to be: that is the question.

--William Shakespear

Never before have we had so little time to do so much.

--美国前总统 Franklin D. Roosevelt

Plain: We sat on the cliffs by the sea, watching the sunset.

Interesting: On the cliffs by the sea we sat, watching the sunset.


Normal: The professor walked in.

Reversed: In walked the professor.


Normal: Jeremy scorned honest men.

Reversed: Honest men Jeremy scorned.


Normal: Although I am fond of my children, I hope they won’t grow up spoilt.

Reversed: Fond as I am of my children, I hope they won’t grow up spoilt

Normal: He never gave up certain habits of his youth, and one of them was that he liked to inspect his clothes thoroughly for wrinkles before he stepped out of the door.

Reversed: Certain habits of his youth he never gave up, and one of them was that he liked to inspect his clothes thoroughly for wrinkles before he stepped out of the door.

Normal: Stephen was a bungler then.

Reversed: A bungler Stephen was then.


Normal: We shall never feel secure.

Reversed/Interesting: Secure we shall never feel.


Normal: This is a lost generation.

Reversed: This is a generation lost.

Plain: The immense expanse of the Gobi Desert stretches before us.

Interesting: Before us stretched the immense expanse of the Gobi Desert.


Plain: He wasn’t cut out to be a peacetime officer. He wanted glory, he wanted the excitement of war. No one, except possibly himself, has ever doubted his physical courage (or any other kind of courage).

Interesting: He wasn’t cut out to be a peacetime officer. He wanted glory, he wanted the excitement of war. His physical courage (or any other kind of courage) no one, except possibly himself, has ever doubted.

Normal: Nobody knows why lands sink under the sea and ri


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