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发布时间:2018-10-04 04:22:15 影响了:


  1.young________ 6.better___________

  2. white________ 7. longer__________

  3. big__________ 8. thinner_________

  4. left_________ 9. far_____________

  5.fast_________ 10. light__________

  II. 用所给词的正确形式填空。

  1. Maria is ________(thin). Lucy is __________(thin) than Mary.

  2. Mike is ____________________(heavy) boy in his class.

  3. Tom is as_________ ( tall) as Jim.

  4. I am much _________( well) than yesterday.

  5. This skirt is ___________________( expensive) of the three.

  6. The weather today is ___________(hot) than it was yesterday.

  7). Lucy writes __________________(careful) than her brother.

  8)Today is ___________(busy) day this week.

  9)That is ___ (easy ) of all.

  10). He is ____ (clever ) boy in the class.

  11). John is _____ ( short ) than Tom.

  12). This box is ____ ( heavy ) than that one.


  1. _____ ____exercise you take, _____ _____ (你锻炼越多就会越强壮) you will be.

  2. Who jumped _______ (最远) of all in the long jump?

  3. Lucy says she will write to you back ____ ____ ____ ______(尽可能快地)。

  4. There are ____ ______ ______ (如此多的人) that we can"t see each other.

  5.-_____ _____ _____ (何时何地) shall we meet?

  -Let"s meet outside the school gate tomorrow afternoon.


  1. -Tom is the ____ one I want to work with. He is always complaining.

  - Be more patient. He is still a good boy.

  A. best B. last C. first D. only

  2. We want to go to Japan to have a ____ study.

  A. farther B. farthest C. further D. furthest

  3. The meeting hall is ____ to hold 5000 people.

  A. large enough B. enough large C. so large D. too large

  4. When spring comes, the trees get ____.

  A. green and green B. green and greener

  C. greener and green D. greener and greener

  5. My _____ brother is three years _


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