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美语情景对话 美语情景对话,第254期:People,人

发布时间:2018-10-24 04:41:50 影响了:
英语口语网权威发布美语情景对话 第254期:People 人,更多美语情景对话 第254期:People 人相关信息请访问英语口语网。

Jeff: My name is Jeff Eagar and I"m 32 years old and I"m from Canada and most people in Canada are Christians, they"re Catholics or Protestants and my parents are Catholic but I"ve done a lot of traveling in my life and now I"m interested in the Buddhist religion, Buddhism. It"s a very peaceful religion and it has some philosophies that I believe in, for example, it talks about detachment. You should not get attached to money, or you shouldn"t get attached to fancy cars and fancy clothes. You should try to simplify your life and have as little as possible. Be comfortable but don"t have too much. Don"t have, don"t be excessive with what you have, and I believe in this philosophy.

杰夫:我叫杰夫·伊格,我今年32岁,来自加拿大,加拿大大多数人都是基督徒,基本他们都是天主教徒,或是清教徒,我父母就是天主教徒,而我去过许多地方旅行,所以我现在对佛教感兴趣。这是一个非常和平的宗教,它包含许多我相信的哲理,比如说,佛教追求超然。你不应该执着于金钱,你不应该执着于豪华汽车和奢华的衣服。你应该试图简化你的生活,尽可能的简化所拥有的东西。要过得舒适,但是不要拥有太多。不要过分追求要拥有的东西,我相信这个哲理。 The Buddhist religion also has a philosophy of karma, of the cycle of good behavior, brings you good behavior in return and if you act bad, bad things will happen to you, and I think this is kind of true because if you do good things for people, most of the time good things happen to you. People treat you well. If you treat people poorly, and badly, people will treat you badly, so believe in this Buddhist philosophy of Karma and good things will happen to you if you do good things for others. 佛教的哲理同样也包含因果报应,善有善报,恶有恶报,我认为这是真的,因为如果你为别人做了善事,很多时候你身上都会降临好事。人们会善待你。如果你对别人不好,那别人同样也会对你不好,所以要相信佛教中的因果报应,如果你做了善举,你身上也会有好事发生。 Canada is a very peaceful country, and I"m a peaceful guy. I don"t believe in fighting and I don"t believe in war, and my neighbor, across the border, the United States of America is at the moment at war with Iraq and for me this is a very senseless or sort of silly thing to be doing. I think it wastes money and it wastes lives and I think there should always be sort of, some sort of peaceful way to end an argument so I believe in peace and I don"t think war should be,


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