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发布时间:2018-11-26 03:54:10 影响了:




  We have just moved into a new house and I have been working hard all morning. I have been trying to get my new room in order. This has not been easy because I own over a thousand books. To make matters worse, the room is rather small, so I have temporarily put my books on the floor. At the moment, they cover every inch of floor space and I actually have to walk on them to get in or out of the room. A short while ago, my sister helped me to carry one of my old bookcases up the stairs. She went into my room and got a big surprise when she saw all those books on the floor. "This is the prettiest carpet I have ever seen," she said. She gazed at it for some time thenadded, "You don"t need bookcases at all. You can sit here in your spare time and read the carpet!"




  temporarily adv.暂时地

  inch n.寸

  carpet n.地毯

  gaze vi.盯着,注视着(后加at)

  add v.加,补充

  spare adj.备用的,闲暇的,空闲的


  move into搬入

  get sth in order整理,把……摆放整齐

  at the moment当下,当前


  1,现在进行完成时到底是什么时态?(I have been working hard all morning)


  2,order用法汇总(I have been trying to get my new room in order)


  其次,order还可以是名词的“命令”或者“顺序,秩序”,这也是其最主要的意思,使用上就是课文中这个“put things in order”摆放整齐。

  3,at the moment与for the moment,还有for a moment之间的区别(At the moment, they cover every inch of floor space and I actually have to walk on them to get in or out of the room. )

  at the moment就是now的意思,现在,当下,如she is not in for the moment.她这会儿不在;

  for the moment是“暂时”的意思,如it rains just for the moment,and will stop soon.雨就下一会儿,很快会停的;

  for a moment是“一会儿”的意思,please wait for a moment.请等一会儿。


  At last firemen have put out a big forest fire in California. Since then, they have been trying to find out how the fire began. Forest fires are often caused by broken glass or by cigarette ends which people carelessly throw away. Yesterday the firemen examined the ground carefully, but were not able to find any broken glass. They were also quite sure that a cigarette end did not start the fire. This morning, however, a firemen accidentally discovered the cause. He noticed the remains of a snake which was wound round the electric wires of a 16,000-volt power line. In this way, he was able to solve the mystery. The explanation was simple but very unusual. A bird had snatched up the snake from the ground and then dropped it on to the wires. The snake then wound itself round the wires. When it did so, it sent sparks down to the ground and these immediately started a fire.




  hot adj. 带电的,充电的

  fireman n. 消防队员

  cause v. 引起; n. 原因

  examine v. 检查

  accidentally adv. 意外地,偶然地

  remains n. 尸体,残骸

  wire n. 电线

  volt n. 伏特(电压单位)

  power line 电力线

  solve v. 解决

  mystery n. 谜

  snatch v. 抓住

  spark n. 电火花


  put out扑灭

  in this way 就这样

  be able to有能力做某事,能够做某事


  1,与put相关的几个重要短语(At last firemen have put out a big forest fire in California)

  1,put on穿上,也指“长胖”2,put off推迟3,put away收拾起来4,put out扑灭

  例1:you put on weight recently.你最近长胖了。

  例2:the meeting is put off because of the rain.因为阴雨会议被推迟了。

  例3:put out your cigarette,now!马上把烟给我灭掉!

  2,be able to 与can 的区别( he was able to solve the mystery)

  两者意思一致,主要的区别是词性区别,前者是动词短语,后者是情态动词,所以前者遵循一般be动词的原则,后者则要遵循情态动词的使用规则。我们可以说can be able to,但是绝对不可以说be able to can。

  3,try to 与try doing的区别(they have been trying to find out how the fire began)

  try doing侧重于过程,不强调结果,所以仅仅是“试试看”“尝试着”的意思;而 to do则注重结果,意思是“竭尽全力”“力争”的意思。


  After breakfast, I sent the children to school and then I went to the shops. It was still early when I returned home. The children were at school, my husband was at work and the house was quiet. So I decided to make some meat pies. In a short time I was busy mixing butter and flour and my hands were soon covered with sticky pastry. At exactly that moment, the telephone rang. Nothing could have been more annoying. I picked up the receiver between two sticky fingers and was dismayedwhen I recognized the voice of Helen Bates. It took me ten minutes to persuade her to ring back later. At last I hung up the receiver. What a mess! There was pastry on my fingers, on the telephone, and on the doorknobs. I had no sooner got back to the kitchen than the doorbell rang loud enough to wake the dead. This time it was the postman and he wanted me to sign for aregistered letter!




  sticky adj. 粘的

  finger n. 手指

  pie n. 馅饼

  mix v. 混合,拌和

  pastry n. 面糊

  annoying adj. 恼人的

  receiver n. 电话的话筒

  dismay v. 失望,泄气

  recognize v. 认出,听出

  persuade v. 说服,劝说

  mess n. 乱七八糟

  doorknob n. 门把手

  sign v. 签字

  register v. 挂号邮寄


  be at work工作中

  be busy doing忙于干某事

  pick up拿起来,捡起来,接走某人


  1,hang up( At last I hung up the receiver. What a mess! )

  本身意思his挂断电话,要表示挂断某人的电话可以说“hang up on somebody”

  例: how dare you hang up on me?!你竟然敢挂我的电话!?

  2,no sooner……than……(I had no sooner got back to the kitchen than the doorbell rang loud enough to wake the dead)


  例:I hadn"t sooner got up than it my mother brought the breakfast.我还没起床我妈早饭都端上来了。

  3,loud enough to wake the dead



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