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[大学英语本科毕业论文正文参考文献格式范文] 硕士毕业论文参考文献数量

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格式:主要作者(编者、译者).书名.出版地:出版者, 出版年. .如:

loveday, simon. the romances of john fowles. london: the macmillan press ltd., 1985.


[huang mei. contemplating the self: british fiction in the eighteenth century england. beijing: sanlian bookstore, 2003.]


格式:主要作者(编者、译者)(注:第二作者先名后姓).书名(英语须斜体,中文须加书名号). 出版地:出版者,出版年. 如:

roberts, clayton & david roberts. a history of england. vol.2. englewood cliffs: prentice hall, inc., 1980.


[wang shouren & fang jie. a concise history of english literature. shanghai: shanghai foreign language education press, 2001.]


格式:第一主要作者(编者、译者),空一字母et al(等).书名. 出版地: 出版者, 出版年. .如:

clinchy, robert m, et al. english and american literature: sources and strategies for collection development. chicago: ala, 1987.

quirk, r. et al. a comprehensive grammar of the english language. london: longman, 1985.

殷企平 等,《英国小说批评史》,上海:上海外语教育出版社,2001年.

[yin qiping et al. a history of criticism of english fiction. shanghai: shanghai foreign language education press, 2001.]



palmer, william j. dickens and new historicism. new york: st. martin’s, 1997.

---. the films of the eighties: a social history. carbondale: southern illinois up, 1993.



格式:集体名. 书名(英语须斜体,中文须加书名号). 出版地: 出版者, 出版年. .

national research council. china and global change: opportunities for collaboration. washington: washington square press, 1992.

american allergy association. allergies in children. new york: random, 1998.

中华人民共和国教育部,《英语课程标准 (实验稿)》, 上海:上海教育出版社,2001.

[ministry of education,p.r.china. criteria for english course (tentative). shanghai: shanghai education press, 2001.


格式:书名(英语须斜体,中文须加书名号).出版地:出版者,出版年. .

encyclopedia of indiana. new york: somerset, 1993.



格式:主要作者(编者、译者).书名(英语须斜体,中文须加书名号). 第×版.出版地:出版者,出版年.

budden, julan. the operas of verdi. rev. ed. 3 vols. oxford: clarendon, 1992.

popping, roel. computer-assisted text analysis. 2nd ed. london: sage, 2000.

章振邦,《新编英语语法教程 学生用书》,第3版, 上海:上海外语教育出版社,2000年.

[zhang zhenbang. a new course book on english grammar. 3rd ed. shanghai: shanghai foreign language education press, 2000.]

再版书(republished books)


格式:主要作者(编者、译者).书名(英语须斜体,中文须加书名号).第×版(如有).出版地:出版者,出版年. 再版出版地:出版者,出版年.

gibaldi, joseph. mla handbook for writers of research papers. 5th ed. new york: mla, 1999. shanghai: shanghai foreign language education press, 2001.




parker, hershel. melville: a biography. vol. 1. baltimore: johns hopkins university press,1986.

quintilian. institutio oratoria. trans. h. e. butler. vol. 2. cambridge: loeb-harvard up, 1980.

朱光潜,《西方美学史 上卷》,北京:人民文学出版社,1979年.

[zhu guangqian. a history of western aesthetics. vol. 1. beijing: people’s literature press. 1979.]


quintilian. institutio oratoria. trans. h. e. butler. 4 vols. cambridge: loeb-harvard up, 1980.



dostoevsky, feodor. crime and punishment. trans. jessie coulson. ed. george giban. new york: norton, 1964.

赵元任,《中国话的文法》,丁邦新 译. 香港:香港中文大学出版社,1968年.

[zhao yuanren. chinese grammar. trans. ding bangxin. hong kong: chinese university of hong kong press. 1968.]


coulson, jessie, trans. crime and punishment. by feodor dostoevsky. ed. george giban. new york: norton, 1964.

格式:主要作者, ed (两个以上的用eds)(中文作者后面空一字母后加“编”.书名(英语须斜体,中文须加书名号). 第×版(如有).出版地:出版者,出版年.

peterson, nancy j., ed. toni morrison: critical and theoretical approaches. baltimore: johns hopkins up, 1997.

hill, charles a. and marguerite helmers, eds. defining visual rhetorics. mahwah, nj: lawrence erlbaum associates, 2004.

twain, mark. roughing it. ed. harriet e. smith and edgar m. branch. berkley: university of california press, 1993.

朱刚 编,《二十世纪西方文艺批评理论》,上海:上海外语教育出版社,2001年.

[zhu gang, ed. twentieth century western critical theories. shanghai: shanghai foreign education press, 2001.]




“ginburg, ruth bader.” who’s who in america. 52nd ed. 1998.

mohanty, jitendra m. “indian philosophy.” the new encyclopaedia britannica: macropaesia. 15th ed. 1987.


allen, anta l. “privacy in health care.” encyclopedia of bioethics. ed. warren t. reich. rev. ed. 5 vols. new york: macmillan-simon, 1995.



英文格式:主要作者. 文章名(须用引号)书名(须斜体). ed. 编者. 出版地: 出版者,出版年.起始页码.

harris, muriel. “talk to me: engaging reluctant writers.” a tutor’s guide: helping writers one to one. ed. ben rafoth. portsmouth, nh: heinemann, 2000. 24-34.

swanson, gunnar. “graphic design education as a liberal art: design and knowledge in the university and the ‘real world.’” the education of a graphic designer. ed. steven heller. new york: allworth press, 1998. 13-24.

中文格式:主要作者,文章名(须用引号) , ××编,书名(须加书名号),出版地:出版者,出版年,起始页码.

郑志恋 等, “外语教学改革中教师观念的转变” ,王之江 编,《外语教学与研究论文集 (第五辑)》, 浙江:浙江大学出版社,1997年,第63-72页.


会议论文集 参见《mla科研论文写作规范》第145页:

freed, barbara f., ed. foreign language acquisition research and the classroom. proc. of consortium for language teaching and learning conf., oct. 1989, university of pennsylvania. lexinton: health, 1991.



格式:主要作者(编者、译者).文章名(须加引号).刊名 (英语须斜体,中文须加书名号) 卷.期(年):起止页码.

hallin, daniel c. “sound bite news: television coverage of election, 1968-1988.” journal of communication 42.2 (1992): 5-24.

bagchi, alaknanda. “conflicting nationalisms: the voice of the subaltern in mahasweta devi’s bashai tudu.” tulsa studies in women's literature 15.1 (1996): 41-50.


[lu jiande. “reflections on i. b. singer’s short stories.” contemporary foreign literature 2 (2006): 33-38.]

张峰, “一曲女性物化的悲歌——评约翰•福尔斯的小说《收藏家》”,《解放军外国语学院学报》2003年第5期,第60-65页.

[zhang feng. “an elegy for the objectification: on john fowles’s the collector.” journal of pla foreign language university 5 (2003): 60-65.]




lohr, steve. “now playing: babes in cyberspace.” new york times 3 apr. 1998, lated ed.: c1+.

poniewozik, james. “tv makes a too-close call.” time 20 nov. 2000: 70-71

perlstein, rick. “abridged too far?” lingua franca. april-may 1997: 23-24.

中文格式:主要作者,文章名(须加引号),报纸(杂志)名(中文须加书名号) 出版年月(日):版次(杂志标起始页码).如:


xie xide. “thoughts on creative learning.” people’s daily 25 dec. 1998: 10.


格式:主要作者(编者、译者).论文题名. (须加引号)ma thesis (博士论文用ph. d. dissertation). 授予学位大学, 年份.

amundin, m. “click repetition rate patterns in communicative sounds from the harbour poroise, phocoena phocoena.” ph. d. dissertation. stockholm university, 1991.

liu shaolong. “a case study of listening models and strategies: effects of background knowledge.” ma thesis. guangzhou institute of foreign languages, 1991.

wang chuming. “semantic structure theory and l2 learning of english adjectival participles.” ph. d. dissertation. chinese university of hong kong, 1995.



电影、vcd、dvd 等(尽量少用)


格式:片名(须斜体). dir. 导演. perf. 主要演员. 出品公司,上映年份.

the usual suspects. dir. bryan singer. perf. kevin spacey, gabriel byrne, chazz palminteri, stephen baldwin, and benecio del toro. polygram, 1995.

格式:片名(须斜体). dir. 导演. perf. 主要演员. 最初放映年份. 录制媒介. 出品公司,出品年份..如:

it’s a wonderful life. dir. frank capra. perf. james stewart, donna reed, lionel barrymore, and thomas mitch. 1946. dvd. republic, 1998.



常见信息:作者.查阅的文章名(词条).网站名(网络出版物名).网站所属单位. 发表日期.登录网站日期.网址.如:

1)作者. 网络出版物名(斜体).网站所属单位. 发表日期.登录网站日期.网址.

barsky, robert f. noam chomsky: a life of dissent. cambridge: mit p, 1997. 8 may 1998 .


“caret.” wikipedia: the free encyclopedia. 28 april 2006. 10 may 2006 .

3)作者.文章名(须加引号)网络出版物名(须斜体). 发表日期.网站所属单位.登录网站日期.网址.

stolley, karl. “mla formatting and style guide.” the owl at purdue. 10 may 2006. purdue university writing lab. 12 may 2006 .



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