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英语演讲小短文 [有关课外英语小短文欣赏]

发布时间:2018-08-03 03:41:43 影响了:




  Day of National Day, sunny, mother took me to the science and technology museum watch "toy story" bug the popular science exhibition.

  The first thing you encounter is a long centipede, the centipede is odd, as long as the flap its body, will make a wonderful sound.

  Then we came to the magic show hall, the magician is a praying mantis, it was an assault, locust often hide among the bushes. I saw it with a black frame on the table, take cover, apple has turned out.

  Here we come to the concert hall again, performance is the best musicians in the insect world, katydid, cricket, bubble worm. Katydid high tones of voice, the sound of bubble insect cadence, the sound of crickets very sense of rhythm.

  There are also good father "negative bugs", it looks like a big tortoise, carrying children walk slowly.

  Finished watching the show, I understand the knowledge of a lot of insects. The insect world's really interesting!








  Today is the Mid-Autumn festival, is a moon day, everyone is looking forward to the moon in the early, but the moon did not obedient, is not to come out, can I urgent is broken, I need to write a composition! But how do I complain, also can't hear the moon, I can only yourself to find a way to! This is my father was watching TV, there were other regions of the moon, so I can see the moon again.

  The moon like a big disc, disc of gold and silver and transparent, just, on which there is a large black spots, but I didn't like the moon because of the black spots. You remember chang e the story? August 15 is the goddess of the moon to eat elixir to fly to the heaven that day, that day the moon is round, hou yi in the world to commemorate the goddess of the moon, hope he can come back as soon as possible, and their families.

  This festival is formed because of the story. Because people eat the moon cake is to commemorate the goddess of the moon. Although there are moon and the goddess of the moon reaches the moon palace buttonwood company, but the goddess of the moon is still very lonely.

  Of a holiday is not only to commemorate the goddess of the moon, and memory of the dead relatives and friends, although you thought of to make you sad things, but those dead relatives know you miss them, they will be very happy!

  I hope you can happy spend the Mid-Autumn festival, I wish you a happy holiday!







  Today is the lunar August 15, is the annual Mid-Autumn festival. In the evening, my mother and I back to grandma's holiday. Eat the family reunion dinner, I will together with brother ShangTianTai moon.

  The moon covered with layers of the veil shyly, after a long time, just gently lifted the veil, gradually revealing it can shine's face. I carefully looked up full moon, in the heart of distant months empty is full of infinite daydream.

  Brother, look at the moon in this round of high altitude, tilting face of nifty and asked: "elder sister, this is the silver plate?" I have heard these words feel spirit again funny, he must be reminded of I was teaching his classical lines "in the ancient lang, deliberately in the display. So we at the moon aloud: "hours not months, call for a white plate. And suspected YaoTai mirror, fly in the wan side."

  We talk and eat moon cakes with relish, five kernel, with lotus-paste, barbecued pork... My favorite or double yellow, bite, sweet, the taste is great!

  How time flies, while the night is deep, so we had to reluctant to go home. I don't know next year's Mid-Autumn festival will be how?













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