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[酒店英语900句,第20章:楼层值台服务] 酒店高楼层英语怎么说

发布时间:2018-09-16 03:33:56 影响了:
英语口语网权威发布酒店英语900句 第20章:楼层值台服务,更多酒店英语900句 第20章:楼层值台服务相关信息请访问英语口语网。

596.Tenth floor service desk,what can I do for you?这是10楼服务台,有什么可以帮您?

597.May I show you to your room please,sir?先生,我可以领您到您的房间吗?

598.Welcome you to our hotel,sir. Have a wash,please. 欢迎您来到我们饭店,请用毛巾。

599.Take a rest,please. 请休息。

600.Have some Chinese tea,please. 请用茶。

601.If you want an attendant ,please push the bell. 如果您需要服务员,请按电铃。

602.I will glad to serve you. 很高兴为您服务。

603.I am an attendant on this floor,what can I do for you?我是楼层服务员,我能为您做什么?

604.Would you please give me some envelopes and writing paper?请给我一些信封喝信纸,好吗?

605.Just a moment please,I’ll bring you some soon. 请稍等,我马上给您拿来。

606.I felt a bit cold when I slept,please get me a blanket. 我入睡时感觉有些冷,请给我一条毛毯。

607.The soap in the toilet is used up. Would you please give me a new one?卫生间的香皂用完了.请给我再添一块新的好吗?

608.I’ll send it up to your room,just one moment please. 我马上送到您的房间来,请稍等。

609.Good morning,Housekeeping Service Centre. What can I do for you?早上好,客房服务中心,我能为您做什么?

610.I have a cold. 我感冒了。

611.Do you have a temperature?您发烧吗?

612.Would you like to see a doctor?您要看病吗?

613.Our clinic is on the first floor. Shall I call for a doctor for you?饭店医务室在一楼,需要我为您请医生上来吗?

614.Please take me a good rest and I hope you’ll get well soon.请您好好休息,祝您早日康复。

615.It’s my pleasure,I’m always at your service.我很愿意这样做,我随时都会为您服务。

616.Do you want hot water and cold water now?您现在需要热开水和冷水吗?

617.In this bottle there is hot boiled water and in that one,there is cold drink water. 这是热水瓶,那是冷水瓶。

618.This is the light switch and that is the temperature adjuster,sir. 先生,这是电灯开关,那是温度调节器。

619.There are closed-circuit television programs from 8pm to 2am every day.每天晚上8点到次日2点播放饭店闭路电视节目。

620.The room light is too dim,please get me a brighter one. 房间灯光太暗,可否调一个亮灯泡。

621.The room is too hot,why isn’t cool air turned on in such a hot day?房间这么热,为什么还不开冷气?

622.Some of my friends will come and see me this afternoon. Could


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