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八年级英语竞赛试题 八年级英语竞赛题及答案

发布时间:2019-08-06 09:35:36 影响了:


(满分:100分) 座号______

一:根据首字母填单词,注意单词形式。(5分) 1. You made so many mistakes. You are too c . 2. She won first place in the spoken English c . 3. As we know, Tomas Addison is one of the greatest i . 4. There are many problems in life, we should m to solve them. 5. The classroom is e . There is none left.

二:单选(10分) 1.There is “h” in the word “hour”. “h” is silent.

A. a; The B. an; The C. a; an D. an; an

2.— Where is Jim ?

— Oh, I saw him in class just now.

A. to write B. writing C. write D. wrote 3. Would you like to us?

A. join in B. join C. take part in D.attend 4. When did you ?

A. arrive in B. reach C. get to D. arrive

5. — Where is mom?

— Oh, she in the kitchen.

A. cooks B. cooked C. is cooking D.cook 6. bad the weather is!

A.what B. what a C.How D.How a 7.Miss Li teaches English?

A. us B. our C. we D.ours

8. — He is never late for school, is he ?

— He often gets up very early.

A.Yes,he is B.No,he isn’t C.Yes,he does D.No,he doesn’t 9. a rainy morning, he missed the first bus.

A. In B. On C.With D. At 10. The students and listened to the teacher.

A.stopped talking B. stopped to talk C.stop talking D. stoped to talk


A teenager girl couldn’t understand her family rules, so she left

home. She wanted to be a star and became famous. But she had a little

education(教育) and 1 years later, she had to ask for food on the

street for a living. Now her father has died. Her mother is an old woman.

But she is still 2 her daughter. She has been to every corner of the

city. Everywhere she goes, she 3 a big photo of her daughter on

the wall. At the lower part of the photo she writes, “I still love

you „Come back home!”

第 1 页 共 7 页

One day, the daughter saw one of the photos. She was so surprised that

she couldn’t believe her 4 . “Is that me?” She

moved 5 and read the words, “I still love you„” She cried.

She couldn’t wait 6 back home. When she got home, it was early

morning. She pushed the door. The door opened itself. She rushed to the

bedroom at once. Her mother was sleeping there. She 7 her mother

up, “It’s me! Your daughter is back home!” The mother and daughter

looked at each other with excitement, full of happy tears. The daughter

asked, “ 8 is the door unlocked? A thief(贼) could get in.” The

mother answered softly, “The door has never locked (锁) 9 you

left. We miss you all the time. We believe that you’ll come back some


As everyone knows, parents love their children forever. Children

should also understand their parents and share their happiness, sadness,

even everything with their parents. 10 this way, both parents

and children can be happy.

( )1. A. a little B. a few C. much D. more

( )2. A. looking for B. looking after C. looking at D. looking


( )3. A. sets on B. puts up C. cuts up D. makes up

( )4. A. eyes B. ears C. nose D. head

( )5. A. farther B. further C. closer D. away

( )6. A. going B. go C. to gone D. to go

( )7. A. wake B. wakes C. woke D. waking

( )8. A. what B. who C. when D. why

( )9. A. since B. for C. before D. unless

( )10. A. With B. In C. By D. On



The first day of school, our professor(教授) introduced an old lady Rose

to us.

“Why are you in college at such an age?” I asked her. She replied, “I

always dreamed of having a college education and now I’m getting one!”

We became friends quickly.

At the end of the term I invited Rose to make a speech to our football

team. I’ll never forget what she taught us. She said, “There are some

secrets(秘密) of staying young and being happy. You have to laugh and

find humor(幽默) every day. You must have a dream. When you lose your

dreams, you will die. There is a huge difference between growing old and

growing up. Anybody can grow older. That doesn’t need any talent or ability

(能力). To grow up, you must always find the opportunity in change. Have

no regrets. The people who are afraid of death are those with regrets.”

At the end of the year, Rose finished her college. One week after

graduation, Rose died peacefully(安详地) in her sleep. We would always

第 2 页 共 7 页

remember the great woman.

1. From the passage, we can learn that Rose ________.

A. went to college at an old age

B. became a professor later

C. once worked in a hospital

D. died before college graduation

2. At the end of the term the writer invited Rose to ________.

A. go to a party B. play football

C. make a speech D. write a book

3. The underlined word “talent” in the third paragraph means “________”

in Chinese.

A. 训练 B. 方法

C. 途径 D. 才能

4. If you want to stay young and be happy, ________ according to Rose.

A. never grow up

B. don’t be afraid of death

C. have a dream and never lo se it

D. don’t find the opportunity in change

5. What is the best title of the passage?

A. Laughing every day

B. Never too old to learn

C. Growing old and growing up

D. How to stay young and being happy


Sandwich was an Englishman. He lived in the 18th century(世纪). Sandwich

was rich(富有), but he liked to play cards (纸牌) for money. He often

played for 24 hours, and didn"t even stop to have his meals. He ordered

his servants (仆人) to ping him some meat and pead. He put the meat

between the two pieces of pead and held the food in his left hand while

he played cards with his right hand. People liked Sandwich"s idea, and

from then on they ate pead and meat as Sandwich did.

From the name of the man, Sandwich, we have the word of the food


( ) 1. Sandwich was the .

A. name of a servant

B. name of a man with a lot of money

C. poor man who lived on playing cards

D. name of food which was liked by the rich

( ) 2. Sandwich .

A. was so interested (兴趣) in playing cards that he often

had no time to have his meals

B. often pought some pead with him to play cards

C. never ate anything when he played cards

第 3 页 共 7 页

D. had no money to play cards with at last

( ) 3. People liked Sandwich"s idea because .

A. pead, together with meat was cheap

B. he always won when he played cards

C. they liked Sandwich himself

D. when they ate with one of their hands they could do

something with the other

( ) 4. Today,

A. also a name of a rich man

B. two pieces of pead with meat in between

C. not interested in playing cards

D. not liked by most of the people

( ) 5. As food,

A. is usually made of pead and chicken

B. sometimes smells good, but sometimes not

C. is made of pead and meat

D. is easy for us to play.

C I don"t think there is anything wrong with your blood. The key to your

problem is that long nap(打盹,小睡)after dinner. If you didn"t sleep

for hours during the early part of the evening, you would be more ready

to sleep at bedtime. If you didn"t nap after dinner, you would not want

to stay up so late, and you would not feel the need to take a sleeping

pill. The pill is still working in your system when you get up in the

morning. This helps account for the fact that you feel tired all day. You

should get out of the habit of sleeping during the evening. Right after

your evening meal, engage(从事于) in some sort of physical activity - a

sport such as bowling, perhaps. Or get together with friends for an evening

of cards and conversation. Then go to bed at your usual time or a little

earlier, and you should be able to get a good nights rest without taking

a pill.

If you can get into the habit of spending(度过) your evenings this

way, I am sure you will feel less tired during the day. At first it may

be hard for you to go to sleep without taking a pill. If so, get up and

watch television or do some jobs around your house until you feel sleepy.

If you fall asleep and then wake up a few hours later, get up but do not

take a sleeping pill. Read a while or listen to the radio, and make yourself

a few hours"sleep that night, you will feel better in the morning than

you usually feel after taking a pill. The next night you will be ready

to sleep at an earlier hour.

The most important thing is to avoid taking that nap right after dinner

and avoid taking pills.

第 4 页 共 7 页

1. According to the writer, it is difficult for you to go to sleep

because 。

A)you get the habit of staying up late

B)you haven"t taken sleeping pills

C)you sleep for hours after dinner

D)you fail to do some exercises

2. Which of the following is NOT true if you want to get out of the

habit of sleeping during the evening?

A)Go to bed earlier than usual. B) Talk with friends after


C)Stay with friends after dinner. D)Do some physical labor


3. You feel tired all day probably because 。

A)you stay up too late B)you get up too early in the morning

C)you take sleeping pills D)you wake up too frequently at night

4. Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A)You mustn"t take sleeping pills in order to get a good night"s sleep.

B)You should stay up if you want to sleep effectively.

C)Food is necessary at night if you fail to go to sleep.

D)It is very important to get out of the habit of taking a nap after


5. We may infer(推断) that the writer is most probably a 。

A) doctor B) scientist C) reporter D) professor


Some people say life is like crossing a river; some say it is like

climbing a mountain.

I think our life is much like climbing a mountain. 1_____ To reach

our goals(目标), we work hard to make progress day after day. Here we have

a choice. We can complain(抱怨) about how unfair(不公平) it is to climb

a new mountain every year. 2_____

Sometimes, we fall over. 3___ We can stop and complain about what

progress we have lost. Or, we can stand on our feet and begin climbing

that mountain again.

If we reach the goal for this year, we start from zero to reach the goal

for next year. 4____ Instead, we should look ahead.

Many people will waste time worrying,

or is it worth doing? 5___ The question is,

第 5 页 共 7 页

the right direction?

Take one step at a time, and pay attention to tomorrow’s step today.

(从下列选项中选取最佳选项对号入座) 五:词语运用。(10分) In Australia, you can take a walk on the beautiful beaches. Along the

beaches, you can find some coffee shops, restaurants and clothes stores.

The water under your feet is blue. The birds above your head are 5 in

the blue sky. Everything is very relaxing there. There are also many nice

parks. Tall green plants are everywhere. You can see koalas eating plants6

the tree. You can 7 go fishing, go bike riding and take photos there.

If you 8 tired of the life in big cities, you can spend time in the

beautiful countryside .Then you can enjoy the 9 life.

All in all, Australia is 10 a great place for vacation.


A: May I come in ?

B: Yes, pleas.

A: Excuse me, Ms.Jennet. I’d like to take a few days off.

B:1. ,Tina?

A: My mother is ill.2 .

B: Oh, dear! I am sorry to hear that. Is it serious?

A: Yes, kind of.3 .The doctor says she has to be in

hospital for a few days.

B: I see .When will you come back?

A: 4 .

B: All right. But you need to write a note for leave.

A: Sure. I will write it at once, Ms.Jennet .

B: 5 . I will help you when you get back.

第 6 页 共 7 页

A: Thank you. It’s very kind of you.


题目:Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it.


第 7 页 共 7 页


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