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【2018年2月27/28日托福写作超小范围机经预测】 2018年8月25日托福写作

发布时间:2018-09-26 04:48:07 影响了:

  预测有风险,考试靠实力,本篇预测精选母题,无论考题如何变化,亦或冷题出现, 我对于托福写作的理解和对于热题的钟爱不变 ,建议准备本篇预测,已是全面备考。
  Some people think that some lessons for young students (age5-8) include video games are effective ways and interesting, other people think this way is distracting and waste time. What"s your opinion?
  2016年1月24日托福独立写作 = 2014年6月20日托福独立写作
  In times of economic crisis, in which field do you think the government can cut financial support?
  1. Art
  2. Science research
  3. Parks and public gardens
  1. The advertising is the main cause of unhealthy eating habits? 广告是人们不健康饮食的根源,是否认同?
  2. Getting advice from friends who are older than you is more valuable than getting advice from friends your same age. 从年长的朋友处得到的建议比从同龄的朋友处得到的建议更加有价值,是否认同?
  3. The advice from our grandparents has no use for their grandchildren because the world changed a lot during the past 50 years. 来自祖父母的建议对于孩子们没有帮助,因为世界和50年前不同了?
  4. Some people think that it is better to finish a project completely and then do another project than do two or more projects at the same time,do you agree or disagree? 有人认为优先完成一项任务要比同时完成两项或者多项任务要好,是否认同?
  5. The most important investment for a big company is to improve the efficiency and proficiency of its employees. 提高员工技能是公司最重要的投资,是否认同?
  6. Although science and technology will continue to improve, the most significant improvement in the quality of people"s lives has already occurred. 经管科技会继续进步,但是,影响人们生活质量的最重要的成就已经出现,是否认同?
  7. More and more people are beginning to spend large sums of money on their pets, even though there are better ways to spend this money. 越多越多的人花费大量金钱在饲养宠物上,其实,他们有更好消费方式,是否认同?
  8. Talented people"s leadership is born nat


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