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英语口语网权威发布房地产英语口语 Lesson 2:楼花,更多房地产英语口语 Lesson 2:楼花相关信息请访问英语口语网。

bank mortgage

银行按揭 brochure 售楼书 car park space 停车位 completion date 竣工日期 construction material 建筑材料 developer 发展商 elevator 电梯 facility 设施 legal question 法律问题 level 层楼 model of the building 大厦模型 payment method 付款办法 penthouse 复式单位 price list 价目表 property under construction 楼花 purchaser 认购者 river view 河景 sales office 售楼处 show flat 示范单位 Chapter 2. Property Under Construction

第二章 楼花 1. Visiting Show Flat

1. 参观示范单位 Scene: Sales office of the Nice garden

场景: 丽斯花园售楼处 A1, A2, A3, A4: Agents

  物业代理 B1,B2,B3: Clients   客户 A1: Please take some brochures detailing the Nice Garden Phase 1.

请随便拿一份丽斯花园第一期售楼书。 A2: Welcome to the Nice Garden. Please follow the arrows to our show flats A and B. The size of show flat A is one thousand square feet and show flat B is one thousand and five hundred square feet. Please enjoy yourselves.

欢迎光临丽斯花园。请沿箭头批示到本公司展销单位 A 及单位 B。单位 A 面积是一千五百平方英尺,请随便参观! A3: Welcome to show flat A. First, I would like to explain to you that the red tags denote a free gift from our developer to our future vendors. (After a second) On your right hand side is the kitchen. The maid"s room and toilet are found inside. All the appliances including refrigerator, microwave oven, dishes-washer are imported from Europe. Please go straight in. There is a huge living room and three bedrooms. The developer will provide air conditioners for all rooms.

欢迎参观示范单位 A。首先,贴有红色标签的用品是由发展商送给未来业主的。(一会儿之后)在右边的是厨房,工人房及洗手间在里面,而所有家庭电器包括雪柜、微波炉、洗碗机都是随楼附送,所有建筑用料均由欧洲进口。直行就是大厅及三个睡房,发展商提供所有厅房的冷气机。 B1: How about the view?

观景是怎样呢? A3: Over the tenth floor, you will see the beautiful river view.

高于十楼的单位可以看到河景,相当不错! C2: How about the direction for this unit?

这单位的座向如何? A3: This unit faces southwest. Please make yourselves comfortable.

单位窗户向西南方,请随便看看。 (Scene: Show Flat B)

(场景:示范单位 B) A4: Welcome to show flat B. This unit"s gross area is one thousand and five hundred square feet, which is the largest unit on this floor. This unit"s lay


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