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发布时间:2023-10-06 14:05:07 影响了:




good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. the issue of the yellow river has become the biggest concern of members of the chinese peoples political consultative conference. my childhood, in fact, is closely associated with the river. my father is an engineering geologist, and he used to take me with him on his trips to the hydropower stations on the river. i enjoyed those trips, especially the trip to longyang xia reservoir. although ten years have passed since my visit, i can still recall the scenery; i can still recall the water i saw at the reservoir. it was pure, clean and blue, not like the water i saw in the middle reaches of the river, which had turned brown and muddy after passing through the loess plateau.

once during our stay at the power station, we were caught in a thunderstorm. and when rain stopped, i could see trickles of water rolling down mountain slopes and flowing into the reservoir. it carried little mud or sand, because at that time, trees and grass still grew around the reservoir. and they protected the soil. at longyang xia i was struck by the beauty of nature, and as a child i wanted to stay there and to grow up with our yellow river.

li bai, the tang dynasty poet, said praises to the flowing water in the yellow river. he saw it as coming down from heaven and nurturing the people along her way to the sea. however, in 1997,for 330days, not a single drop of water from the yellow river went into the sea. and droughts are not the only punishment by nature. a friend of my father's, a university professor, is doing research on the yellow river. according to this professor, the yellow river will soon change its course if we allow this situation to continue. because there is no longer enough water to carry away the silt and mud in the lower reaches of the river and the riverbed rises higher and higher each year.

we have taken too much from nature, but given back too little in return. and this is the cost of the unbalanced growth. if we had taken care of the vegetation in the upper and middle reaches of the yellow river, we would still experience the river as li bai described it.

while the developed countries are consuming proportionally more natural resources than the rest of the world, they've also taken some good measures in protecting nature. and as a developing country, china can learn from them in this aspect.

last year, when i was visiting australia with a group of chinese students who had won prizes in an english skills test, our australian hosts invited us to join them for a horse-ride in the mountains. after two hours on horseback, we reached a valley, where there was a most beautiful meadow, with flowers in all colors dotted on a huge blanket of green. when i began to praise the beauty of nature, my friends told me that in this valley, there used to be a big mine and the wastewater from the mine turned everything brown. when the mine was abandoned, people made great efforts to restore the green vegetation. they also used the latest biological technology choosing the best grass seeds suitable for the local soil. so the beautiful meadow is a result of commitment, hard work, and new technology.

what happened to this valley in australia should also happen to our yellow river and, in fact, it is happening. i have seen farmers planting trees on mountains along the yellow river. i have seen them climb the mountain tops with seedlings on their shoulders because they had no machinery. i have seen them pour on trees the water they had carried up in buckets from miles down the valley. these farmers are quietly nourishing our yellow river, just as the river has nourished them.

and these farmers, men and women i don't know, gave me the confidence that we and our yellow river will grow together, and someday in the future, we will be able to drink the clean water from our yellow river again, because she is our dearest mother.

thank you


now i am a middle school student, i will enter high school soon. everybodythinks that the age of mine is the best age, because we are young and full ofvitality. but i want to grow up quickly. i am not afraid of growing old and iwant to grow older. in my eyes, age is a gift. as the time goes by, i willbecome mature. because the thing i have been through will teach me the lessonand i will learn a lot, becoming a better person. the young and innocent meeager to grow up, i know it takes time to be independent. age is a gift, so nowi cherish every moment.

good afternoon, everyone. it’s my great honor to stand here and give you a short speech. my topic is “never give up”。 now let’s begin.

have you seen a film named titanic, i believe no one will shake head. it’s a film about how the ship titanic sank into the sea in that time. it is very exciting. but i am quite interested in the story of the film, jack and rose’s story. i can learn some deeper things from it.

after the ship hit an iceberg and sank into the sea. jack and rose and other people fell into the cold sea water. as the weather was getting colder and colder, they were gradually stepping into death. jack asked rose to promise him not to give up the hope of life. at last, jack was dead, and rose had a narrow escape, because she listened to jack and didn’t give up.

as for us, we will never be in the sank titanic and do not insist on waiting for the rescue of others, but, in reality, never give up is still necessary and much more important.

in the race of life, there is no doubt that we will go through ups and downs, peaks and valleys, and joys and sorrows. when confronting adversities, someone feels blue and frustrated, declining to struggle one more time. however, there are some people holding fast to their original dreams, making relentless determinations to overcome life’s challenges and become respectable. in face of obstacles, they practice the spirit of “never give up” and eventually mount the winner’ stand.

never give up the hope of life is high level thing, but we are obliged to do it bit by bit. no matter how life treats us, we shouldn’t give up the possibility of success, even if we are refused thousands of times, even if we are acting in adversity. we couldnt, wouldnt and shouldnt give up. in short, never give up is necessary and much more important in our life. only holding the spirit can we achieve our goals and taste the sense of the success.

that’s all. thank you for your attention.







all 200 hands were still up. he said, “today, you’ve leraned an important lesson. no matter how much i crumpled that note, how much i scrunched it up, how many times it was trodden on, you still wanted it, because it was still worth 20-pounds.”

in the same way that that 20-pound note held its value,so do you.”

no matter how many times life will tread on you, life will crumple you, life will scrunch you, and life squeeze you, you will always keep your value, that spark within us all of bliss, knowledge, and eternity that exists, that spark will never be taken away.

our value is not created by the price of our clothes or our bank balance or the job title that we have. see, we should be building life and not just building our cvs. the challenge we have is that we only talk about people’s failures when they succeed.




去年有一件事深深地触动了我。有一天我感冒了,很严重。我嘶哑着嗓子去给学生上课,那天恰巧我穿了件新衣。刚走进教室,初中七年级的学生们就围了上来大呼小叫地说:“miss zhu beaitiful beaitiful,miss zhu!”我刚张开嘴让他们安静下来,突然有个声音大声地说:“不要吵了!老师的嗓子哑了!老师的.嗓子都哑了!”顿时整个教室安静了下来,学生们都在自己的座位上端正地坐好,安静地看着我。












ladies and gentlemen , good afternoon! i’m very glad to stand here and give you a short speech. today my topic is "youth". i hope you will like it , and found the importance in your youth so that more cherish it.

first i want to ask you some questions:

1、do you know what is youth?

2、how do you master your youth?

youth is not a time of life, it is a state of mind ; it is not rosy cheeks , red lips and supple knees, it is a matter of the emotions : it is the freshness ; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life .

youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity of the appetite , for adventure over the love of ease. this often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20 . nobody grows old merely by a number of years . we grow old by deserting our ideals.

years wrinkle the skin , but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul . worry , fear , self –distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust .

whether 60 of 16 , there is in every human being ‘s heart the lure of wonders, the unfailing childlike appetite of what’s next and the joy of the game of living . in the center of your heart and my heart there’s a wireless station : so long as it receives messages of beauty , hope ,cheer, courage and power from men and from the infinite, so long as you are young .

when the aerials are down , and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you are grown old ,even at 20 , but as long as your aerials are up ,to catch waves of optimism , there is hope you may die young at 80.

thank you!


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