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发布时间:2024-02-15 09:03:44 影响了:










victor hugo once said: the cause is noble flower, and fruit is sweet cause, let us do the cause of the leaves, because the cause of the industry is extraordinary and humble, teachers silently as the green leaves that, when the moment carved frame of the beautiful

today i also had the honor of doing the cause of the leaf, but i was still young leaves, when i set foot on this land, i hesitate, i can do please? but when i saw a senior education, i can be very proud to tell you that i have no regrets today is who leaves this determination to do so is she, an ordinary teacher, a bit ordinary private kindergarten teachers - teachers twenty years ago since she labeled as "child king" crown, it is destined to accompany her with the ordinary, there is no substantial income, no enjoyment of luxury, there are only busy life and shoulder heavy responsibilities, in this extraordinary early childhood education position, has spent more than two dozen spring and autumn annals, he no regrets, she "does not obliterate the heart of love," as a motto to inspire, and remind ourselves to constantly improve

20 years ago, a woman, in the absence of any conditions with the help of a man propped up this banner, what she has insisted this is love, love of children is a love of education, for many years, her rain or shine, as she said, so the teacher, i extraordinary, and so the teacher, i am rich, and so the teacher, i am happy, and so the teacher, i have no reason to regret this

she once said: every day to come into contact with a group of innocent children is a therefore, she and the children often work together to build a rectangular square has become a high-rise buildings, with mickey mouse and donald duck into the tens of thousands of households crayon green with red chalk depicting the future world, using fine silk thread woven cloth beautiful fairy tale, it is so light in young children in the fading golden childhood, but her heart will not increase with age and the disappearance of the passage of

i asked her when a teacher what is most needed? she answered without hesitation: "love", teachers are the implication of a love and dedication, the hearts of teachers, teachers of the situation should be like a rain shower flower leaves, and only in the growth of love in their hearts to their children is pure and beautiful

her children were very small age, poor self-care and will not wear , xu things which are silently every day for her children were doing, i remember on one occasion, a child was accidentally nails poked feet, from a thick, she mouth to suction out the child, children trousers pulled the stool, she took the children to take home for the cautious good encounter these things, she always said no, and their children

20__ to december 19 of a mother is the most cruel day, this day, her son, only 24 years old, was diagnosed with advanced liver cancer, the teacher leaves the face of this news, the really faint passed you can not, ah, his children a few days ago it was good, how can god do that to a kind-hearted mother, ah, when all the others have insisted that the mother could not, she died of illness in children after less than a week has returned to the classroom, the children returned to the side, what is it? what is a mother will allow us to do this, is love, he said, these points are not her darling baby, are her most beloved everyone says: teachers is too ordinary, and yes, teachers are extraordinary, but the cause is great, because they are quietly engaged in the cause of the dedication and selfless


there is a song called "when they grow up, i became you": a child i thought you were very beautiful, led a group of birds grow up you have become my only know that classrooms are flying the hope that the shou are their own nests; piece of the blackboard to write the truth, remove the utilitarian; flanagan chalk to draw the rainbow, teardrop shed is every time to hear it, sing it, my heart will be subjected to a baptism of

life on people from kindergarten to primary school, middle school, and even universities, there will be many pouring of love, concern about the growth of students, one teacher per common which is one of, love of the female teachers in general are different teachers love, she is a kind of put all the soul and intellect dedicated to childrens such love is selfless, it unreservedly dedicated to all students; this love is deep, its implication for all students at doing one thing in

at kindergarten, we have the first teachers in when we are crying, it was your mother like open arms into the warm embrace of our arms; when we slept at a small bedwhen you are gently approached the bedside, as we wereangle; when we are not feeling well when you are hurriedly put our mind to the

gradually we grew up, into the school, to know more new for we grow up, your teacher work day and night, but no how many quiet nights, in order to prepare each lesson, are you seriously study materials; the number of spare time, in order to transform backward students, but also you are braving the cold heat go home visits; the number of holidays, you give up leisure time with their families , devote themselves to learning, to use all available time to ""

teacher are candles for a bright and burning; teacher are gardeners, homeland for tomorrows flowers and hard work; teacher dewdrop are constantly nourishing us this piece of green grass; teacher trees are for our; teacher are the sun, are matches, are chalk teacher, what a noble and distinguished career ah!

leaves circled in the air, write a song wonderful music, it is a large tree at its nourish the earth for thanksgiving; clouds at blue sky in the drift, painting pictures on tv drama series and pleasant pictures, that are white clouds in the thanksgiving feeding it the blue since there is a teacher, we recognize the colorful world; because there is a teacher, to understand the true meaning of life, so we must know how to teacher zhien,

teachers are respected since ancient times, people-wei of their teachers have a heart of famous scientist marie curie, nobel prize-winning twice, but she saw my primary school teachers, the immediately presented a bouquet of flowers to express her gratitude; great man mao zedong at the festive season is also usually sent to a teacher deeply

thanksgiving is on the teachers grateful do not need earth-shattering, just say your call ray considerate class, the teacher sat exhausted on rostrum, students, and you can walk gently for teacherback shoulder; after school, when you find a teacher for us to sit in the offices also meticulous whenstudents, you can quietly for a cup of warm water on teacher inverted; recess, you discover that there is waste paper cuttings classroom, students, and you can easily pick it up, for teachers to create a clean teaching environment; holiday, the students , you can bring a flower for the teacher, a greeting card, it is the blessings of teacher forever

thanksgiving on the teacher is to return the teacher, you worked hard conscientious, quiet dedication of light and ordinary is not in this insipid post on, you not only taught us the knowledge and, more importantly, it educates us in how to "decades, educating people for centuries," does a society, the state and the nation a useful person, it is the best reward for

students, let us together wish the world is all happy teacher happiness forever!
























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