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海蒂 heidi 经典动画片[海蒂]英文对白

发布时间:2019-07-21 09:35:07 影响了:

Take a little sunshine everywhere you go.

Give a drop to everyone, everyone you know.

Drink a cup of happiness every single day

And when the dark clouds stand in your way, just change your mood

It"s all in the attitude

Start with a smile, it"s the best way to begin.

People notice you when you"re wearing a grin

Start with a smile.

Let it spread from ear to ear.

Sunshine comes your way.

And the clouds disappear

Smile …you"ll be happy.

Smile… if you do

Give one to a neighbor, and he"ll give one back to you

Because the world becomes a pighter place when you put on a happy face

And when the dark clouds stand in your way just change your mood

It"s all in the attitude

With a smile, your worries won"t seem so bad

With a smile, you can make the world turn from sad to glad

Dete!Hi, Dete!

Hi, Barbel. How are you?

Fine. Getting used to the village.

How was your trip to Frankfurt?

Very good.

Heidi, run along ahead and I"ll catch up with you.

Okay, Aunt Dete.

I"ve been hired by a wealthy family and will work in their home.

That"s wonderful news!

But what about Heidi?

I"m taking her up to her Grandfather.

She"ll live up on the mountain with him.

The “Grandfather”?

But you know what a miserable old man he is.

He never speaks to anyone when he comes to the village.

Every child here is afraid of him.

Miserable or not, he"s her Grandfather.

I"ve taken care of Heidi ever since my sister and her husband passed away.

Now it"s her Grandfather"s turn to do his duty.

Can I play too?

Can I climb with you?

I can"t run with all these clothes on!

Where is that girl?

I let her out of my sight for one minute and…

Heidi! Heidi!

What do you think you"re doing?

I was, I was just playing.

And where are your clothes?

There they are.

You left them on a rock? Oh, Heidi!

Peter! Peter! Go get Heidi"s clothes!


Have to take the goats to the mountain.

I"ll give you a penny!

I must say you can move fast when you want to, Peter.

We are going to the Grandfather"s house.

Will you walk with us?

I"m going there, too.

Oh! Can I play with the goats along the way?

Put your clothes on first.

I"m not going to carry them.

Now remember what I told you about your Grandfather.

Okay, Aunt Dete.

There he is.

Hello, Grandfather!

I"m Heidi!

I"m coming to stay with you!

We"ll see about that.

What"s the meaning of this, Dete?

Good morning, Uncle.

I"ve pought Heidi to stay with you.

I"ve had her for five years.

It"s your turn to tend the child.


You there, Peter!

Take your goats up into the mountains!

And take mine with you!

I know nothing about children.

She"ll stay with you all the same.

If you don"t want her, you"ll have to think about what to do with her.

She"s your responsibility now.

Don"t tell me what to do, girl!

And don"t tell me how to live my life!

Now leave my home!

And don"t come


Goodbye to you, then.

And goodbye to you, too, Heidi.

Take care of yourself.

Can I look around, Grandfather?

Suit yourself.


The trees sound like they"re singing to me!

I wonder if they talk, too?


Can I see the inside of your house Grandfather?

Come along.

This is a very nice house.

But there"s only one bed.

Where will you sleep?

Me ?

why, that"s my bed.


Well, where will I sleep?

Sleep wherever you like.

I think I"ll sleep up here!

Look, Grandfather!

I"ve made a bed!


It"s not a proper bed without these.


Now your bed is made.

I suppose we should have some lunch now.

Thank you, Grandfather.

But you need a chair.

I"ll make do.

Eat your meal.

This is the best milk I"ve ever had!

Have some more.

After lunch, I"ll build you a high stool to sit on.

How did you know Peter would be coming with the goats?

He pings them down from the pasture every day at this time.


Let"s play!

Come on over here!

He"s a little too busy to play.

Too busy to play?!

I know that"s hard to imagine, but he must finish his work first and take the goats to Dorfli.

Are these two goats both ours?


Yes, they are.

And the pown one is Little Bear.

And this is Little Swan.

Can I play with them?

It"s late.

You"ll have plenty of time to play with them tomorrow.

Go, you two.

To the shed with you.

And as for you, off to bed.

Goodnight, Little Bear!

Goodnight, Little Swan!

Goodnight, Grandfather!

Goodnight, Heidi!

Sweet dreams, Grandfather.


You haven"t finished your peakfast!

But Peter"s here with the goats!

And I"ve got to see them!

They"re so much fun.

Peter, you"re so lucky you have these friends!


Gee, I never thought of them like that.

The mountains are so…so…



I never really noticed, but you"re right.

They are beautiful.

Would you like to go up to the mountains with Peter today?

Up there?


As long as you stay with Peter.

I will, I will --- I promise!

Peter, here"s lunch for you and Heidi.

This is no lunch!

This is a feast!

Then earn your right to enjoy it by keeping a good eye on Heidi.

Make sure she doesn"t wander too close to the cliffs.

You can count on me!

Come on, Heidi.

Those beautiful mountains are waiting for us.

I didn"t know there were this many flowers in the whole wide world!

The goats sure know how to have a good time.

Why shouldn"t they?

They have all the food they can eat, and these mountains to play in.

What"s that?

It"s one of the goats.

Her mother was sold yesterday.

I guess she"s crying.

She must miss her.

Aw, poor little thing.

What"s her name?

Her name"s Peppermint. "

Where are you going?

Let"s eat --- I"m hungry!

You go ahead and eat.

I"ll be right back.

Don"t cry.

Please don"t cry. It"ll be okay.

I"ll be your friend.

Will that make you feel bett


Oh, yes!

We"re going to be the best of friends.



Wake up!

It"s Little Swan!

Little Swan!


Oh, no! Grandfather"s goat!


You stupid goat!

I thought you knew better than this!

Oh no! No!

Let go of me, Heidi!!!

But you"ll fall over the cliff!

Come on, Little Swan!

You have to help!!!

You stupid goat!

Don"t yell at her!

Can"t you see how scared she is?

Oh, all right.

Now get back to the herd!

I guess I should thank you.

If you didn"t wake me up, I wouldn"t have seen Little Swan going over the cliff. Thanks!


Look at that bird!

It"s a robber-bird.

Let"s go after it.

You can"t.

It lives high up in the mountains.

Even goats can"t climb that high.

Why does it sound like that?

Who knows?

Come on, I have to take the herd back down now.

Let"s go.

The mountains are on fire!

Heidi, sometimes you are so silly!

It"s just the sun setting.

You mean it looks like this every day?


I wish I could stay here forever.

You"d be awfully cold if you did.

Now come on.

Grandfather, we had such a great day!

I saw the pasture and all the flowers and a robber-bird!

And the mountains looked like they were on fire!

On fire?

Grandfather, it"s the prettiest place I"ve ever seen.

Can I go there again tomorrow?

I don"t see why not.


Grandfather, why does the robber-bird cry like it does?

The bird cries because he"s mocking people who live crowded together in the city.

He knows how good life is in the mountains.

And he thinks city people are foolish for living the way they do.

You know what, Grandfather?

I think the robber-bird is right.

So do I.

Everything I want

Everything I need

Everyone I love and all I ever dreamed.

Time for work and time for play, caring for each other in every way.

This is home.

Home is love.

Home is family.

Home is people I care about, who care about me.

Home is meadows of flowers in the spring.

Home is happiness.

Home is everything.

Summer skies are blue.

Trees are always green.

Everywhere you look, the air is fresh and clean.

Working together we do what we can.

To lend our neighbors a helping hand.

Home is love.

Home is family.

Home is people I care about, who care about me.

Home is meadows of flowers in the spring.

Home is happiness.

Home is everything.

Each night I count my blessings and thank the stars above.

I"ve never felt so happy.

I"m with the ones I love.

Home is love.

Home is family.

Home is people I care about, who care about me.

Home is meadows of flowers in the spring.

Home is happiness.

Home is everything everything to me.

Heidi! Heidi!

Hi! Peter!

Where have you been?

I"ve been going to school.

That must be fun!

I bet it"s great playing with all the other children.

I"d rather be with my goats.

You"d have frozen goats if you tried to drive them up there.

Come in! Peter!

Have peakfast with us.

I never refus

e a meal.

So young yet so wise.

I"m glad I don"t have to feed you every day.

Oh, my Grandmother asked if you"d come down and visit us for lunch some day.

We don"t have much, but…

Let"s go now!


Well…how about tomorrow?

Tomorrow would be great!

I can"t wait!

Is it tomorrow yet?

We"ve got to get through tonight first.

You know, Heidi.

I"m not sure about this.

I don"t get along with people…

And people don"t get along with me.

But you get along with me and Peter.

Well, I"ll take you down there.

You can visit and I"ll pick you up at night fall.

Okay, Grandfather.

Hold on.


It isn"t this fun?!

Now remember, I"ll be back to pick you up when it gets dark.

Yes, Grandfather.

And thank you!

Who"s there?

It"s me, Heidi.

Peter said you invited me for lunch and I …

Oh my.


You"re the girl Peter has told me about.

Come closer, child.

My, but you"re a little thing.

Did you come down the mountain all by yourself?

My Grandfather pought me.

Is he here?

No, but … Can"t you see he"s not?

No dear.

I can"t see anything.

No wonder!

It"s too dark in here.

I"ll open up the curtains.

It won"t do any good, Heidi.

I still won"t be able to see.

How about if I light some candles?

You could light all the candles in the world and still I would not see.

I"m blind, Heidi.

You … you mean you can never see?

I see in a different way.

When I hear a kind word, it"s like seeing a beautiful light.

A friendly hand feels like the warm glow of the golden sun.

Well then, a hug and a kind word is what you"ll have, every day!

Thank you, Heidi.


tomorrow we"ve got to come back, you have to ping your tools with you.


what are you talking about?

Well, Peter"s Grandmother told me she can"t sleep because the shutters rattle so badly.

The roof has holes in it and the wind whistles through the walls.

But it"s not our house.

Please, oh please grandfather!

We have to help her!

Something told me if I came down here I was going to end up paying for it.

You mean you"ll do it?

I suppose I can.

I"ll start tomorrow.

Grandfather, you"ve got to come see the mountains with me and Peter tomorrow!

They"re so beautiful!

You"ve said that every spring for the last three years.

But you have to come --- it"s true!

Look"s like we"ve got company.

Can this be Heidi?

Oh, my goodness, you"re looking well!

Do you remember your Aunt Dete?

Yes, Aunt Dete.

Uncle, I must say you"ve taken good care of the child.

The mountain agrees with her.

I ping you good news today, for both of you!

I"ve found a home for Heidi!

A friend of the mistress I work for has a child who needs a companion, and of course I at once thought of Heidi.

But this is my home.

They live in a fine house in Frankfurt and it will be very good for Heidi.

And very good for you, no doubt.

How much are they paying you?

I see you haven"t changed.

No matter, Heidi"s coming with me!

She stays here.

She comes with me.

It"s time she learned to read and write, and she"s not going to do it up here surrounded by the goats.

I know what"s best for Heidi.

Don"t make me go to the courts, Uncle.

I do have paper showing that I am the legal guardian.

You didn"t tell me that when you left her with me!

You insisted I take the child in the first place!

Only until I could find her a permanent home to live in.

Now I have, and now I will take her unless you want the police pought into this!

Take her!

Take her and leave my mountain!


Let him go!

Come along with me, Heidi!

No, I won"t.

I"m staying here!

Didn"t you hear him?

He doesn"t want you here!

He just said that because you made him mad.

Heidi, listen to me, this is for your own good.

Now get your things, we"ve got a train to catch.

Isn"t she here yet, Madam Rottenmeier?

I"m sure they"ll be here any moment, Klara.


May I help you?

I"m here to deliver the girl Heidi to Madam Rottenmeier.

Very well.

You are expected.

So this is the child?


Her name is Heidi.

Very well.

You will be Miss Sesemann"s companion.

You will study with Klara, read stories to her and …

But I can"t read.

What? Our bargain was for a child who could read and entertain Klara!

You said nothing about her being able to read.

As for entertaining, you"ll find her amusing enough.

I leave her in your hands.

Just a moment, Dete!

I have further words for you!


I"m Heidi.

That"s a pretty name.

Mine"s Klara.

I"m sorry I can"t read, but I live in the mountains, I"ve never had to.

The mountains!

You"ve lived in the mountains?

Have you ever seen any tigers? Or lions?

No, just goats.

Well, don"t worry about not being able to read.

My tutor will take care of that.

He talks too much, but he"ll teach you to read.

I hope so.

I would love that.

Well, let"s not worry about it today.

It"s your first day here,

I bet you"re hungry.

I am!

I could drink five bowls of Little Swan"s milk!

Little Swan?

Little Swan is one of my Grandfather"s goats.

She makes the sweetest milk you"ve ever tasted!

I"ll tell you all about her.


I almost forgot that I"m not at home.

What happened to the trees and the mountains? There"s nothing to look at but houses!

Maybe if I can open up the window I can look out and see the mountains.

Oh, I wish I could peathe the outside air!

What kind of a place has Aunt Dete taken me to?!

May I please have another one?

Take the roll, Heidi!

You needn"t ask permission!

But my Grandfather said you should always ask first.

Well, he"s not here --- I am.

And in the future you will come to peakfast on time.

You took a full twenty minutes to get dressed and down to the table.

Madam Rottenmeier, didn"t you forget …

Forget … what?


You forgot to say “please”.

Heidi"s right ---

I didn"t hear it either.

Did you, Sebastian?

You know, I didn"t.

Well, I … I … I need to speak with the cook.

You"re right, Heidi.

Good manners are important, no matter how old you are.

How did you sleep last night, Heidi?

The bed was nice, but the window in my room doesn"t open.

But just ask Sebastian he"ll open it for you.

This must seem very different from your home.

Tell me about Switzerland.

I know you lived on a mountain.

You can"t imagine it, Klara.

The fir trees whistle to me when the wind blows through them.

And every day I"d go up to the pasture with Peter and his goats and pick flowers.

There were so many flowers!

And the mountains turn red when the sun sets and ...

It sounds spectacular!


It is! It is!

But where are you going?

To show you why it took me so long to get down for peakfast!


The cook asking if this new girl has any favorite meals.

A kind gesture, I"d say.

“Kind gesture”?

The child will eat whatever Klara eats and be lucky for it.

I"ve never heard of such a thing.


We have beasts in the house!

They"re not beasts, Madam Rottenmeier!

They"re just kittens.

They"re animals, and animals belong either in the zoo or the wilderness, which is exactly where I"m beginning to think you belong!

But they"re harmless, Madam Rottenmeter.

Can"t I keep them?

I should say not!

Who knows what diseases they might have.


Catch those creatures and toss them out into the street!

How on earth could they have gotten into the house?

I pought them in, Madam Rottenmeier.

You pought them into this house?

I heard them mewing outside my window and I thought they"d make nice pets for Klara, so I ran down and pought them to my room before peakfast.

This is the absolute end!

Sebastian, after you"ve disposed of the animals, you will take Miss klara up to her room.

But we were just having fun.

You"ve had quite enough “fun” for one day.

As for you, I expect you to stay in your room all day!

That is after you"ve cleaned up the mess in here!

Don"t worry!

I"ll keep the kittens in my room.

Maybe when Mr. Sesemann returns we can convince him it might be nice to have some pets around the house for Klara.

Oh, thank you, Sebastian.

They are cute little things, aren"t they?

I"ve missed you so much, father!

And I you, Klara.

My time home is to be short.

I must leave for Paris tomorrow on business, but I have a few surprises for you.

So let"s make the most of it today.

Mr. Sesemann, I have a matter of great importance which I must discuss with you.

Ah, but first, let"s meet this young lady.

You are the girl who was pought here to be my Klara"s companion?

Companion? I thought we were friends.

Yes, that"s right, father.

We"re friends.

Well, friends it is.

That is precisely what I want to talk to you about, sir.

If we could speak privately?

Yes, yes.

I"ll only be a moment, my dear.

Now what is it, Madam Rottenmeier?

Sir, I"ve made a terrible mistake with this girl.

She cannot read and she is having a bad effect on your daughter.


In what way?

She"s clumsy and she behaves badly.

Why, the other day, I heard the two of them laughing hysterically, and that excites Klara far too much.

If you"ll listen to me, you"ll send the girl home this very night.

Sounds like it"s just what Klara needed.

Where are you going, sir?

To speak with my daughter.

So, Klara, how are you doing?

Well, Father, I"ve never had so much fun in my life!

Heidi and I laugh and we play and she tells me all sorts of stories!

She"s the best friend anyone could ever have!

That goes for me, too!

Then it"s settled.

Heidi will stay as long as she likes.

You mean it?!

Madam Rottenmeier, from this day forth Heidi is to be treated as you would treat my own daughter. And see to it that she has new clothes.

Don"t forget to say “please”!

Please, Madam Rottenmeier.

Oh, and by the way, Klara"s Grandmother arrives in two days and…


Grandmother"s coming here?!

I told you I had a few surprises for you.



My Grandmother"s coming!

You"ll love her!

I just know you will!

Oh, and one last thing, we"ll have two new additions in the house.

A pair of kittens.

You may have new clothes, and Mr. Sesemann may have told me to treat you like I do his own daughter.

But remember you are not Mrs. Sesemann"s Granddaughter.

Yes, Madam Rottenmeier.

You are not to address her as “Grandmamma”, but as “gracious lady”.

Yes, Madam Rottenmeier.

Good. We understand each other.

Mrs. Sesemann, what a great pleasure it is to see you again.

Nice of you to say so, Sebastian.

Now where"s that Granddaughter of mine?

Here I am, Grandmamma!

Indeed you are!

You"re looking well, Mrs. Sesemann.

I"m looking like an old lady, Rottenmeier, since that"s what I am.

But … but …

Oh, “but”nothing, I want to talk to my Granddaughter.

Grandmamma, I want you to meet my new friend, Heidi.

How nice to meet you, Heidi.

It"s nice to meet you, too, gracious lady.

My, my, “Gracious lady”?

Hmmmmm… There can be only one person who told you to call me that! Come now, Rottenmeier!


Well … I … I only thought the child should address you with the respect you deserve.

And I do thank you so!

But you must call me “Grandmamma”.

I can see I"m not needed any more, so I"ll say good night.

I admit I am amazed, Mrs. Sesemann.

I never thought the child could be taught to read.

Your problem, Rottenmeier, is you don"t believe in people.

I believe one can do anything if one tries hard enough.

Perhaps we can even teach you to smile.


It"s not so hard.

I can put a smile on your face, even when you"re sad.

I can put a laugh in your voice, even when you"re mad.

I can pick you up when you"re feeling down.

You"re the best friend I have ever foun


We"re the best of friends.

The best that we can be.

I tell you all my secret thoughts, and you share yours with me.

Because we"re the best, the very best of friends.

I will always think about you.

When we"re miles apart, I will keep a place just for you, right here in my heart.

I"ll be by your side when you want me around.

You"re the best friend I have ever found.

We"re the best of friends.

The best that we can be.

I tell you my secret thoughts, and you share yours with me.

Because we"re the best, the very best of friends.

Happy birthday, Heidi!

You must blow out the candles!

Sebastian"s right.

But you must make a wish first.

Then if you close your eyes, and blow out all the candles in a single peath, the wish will come true.

My wish will really come true?

I"m sure of it.

What"s this?

Open it and find out!

Happy Birthday, Heidi!

You have been such a good friend to me.

I want to give you something special.

A … a train ticket?

To Switzerland?

It"s what you want most of all, isn"t it, Heidi?

To go home to your Grandfather.

But I … I …

But who will be your friend?

Oh, Heidi, you will always be.

Heidi, the doctors have decided Klara is well enough to go to a special school now, with other children.

And I"m sure the reason she"s stronger is because of you.

You did so much for me, I just wanted to do something for you.

You will come and visit me, won"t you?

Heidi, of course!

Klara, the clothes you gave me are so beautiful!

I"m glad you like them.

Remember me when you wear them.

Oh, Klara! I"ll never forget you!

I … I know you have to go, but I"m going to miss you so much!

And I"m going to miss you, too.

But you are coming to visit me.

When spring comes, I"ll have Grandmamma take me to see you.

You"ll love the mountains, and you"ll love Grandfather, too.


My Heidi?!

I missed you so much!

And I you!

Hurry, Grandfather!

They"ll be here any minute!



Will you stop for dinner tonight and meet Klara?

He didn"t even say a word to me, Grandfather.

Why is he so angry?

He is not angry.

He"s jealous.

He"s had your friendship to himself for many years.

I think he"s afraid you like klara more than him now.

But that"s silly.

They"re both my friends.

Silly or not, I think that"s how he feels.

We"ve got visitors.

Klara! Grandmamma!

This truly is a wonderful place!

Heidi was right.

It"s every bit as beautiful as she said it was. And you are all she said you were.

She"s a lucky girl to have you as her Grandfather.

I"m the lucky one.

Indeed you are.

We"ve had such a marvelous visit.

Unfortunately, it"s time to go.

But, Grandmamma, can"t we stay a little longer?

The day went so fast!




I don"t want my best friend to leave yet!

Then she can stay!


I"ve arranged with your Grandfather to have Klara stay here with you for a few weeks while I stay down in the v


Oh, that is, if you want to.

I think that means “yes”.


What have you done?

I"m afraid we"ve no choice, Klara.

I"d like for you to stay, but …

Without my wheelchair, I can"t get around.

I"ll go down to the village and fetch your Grandmother.

I wanted Klara to see the pasture in the mountain so badly.

I came all this way and now I won"t get to see it.

Yes you will.

I"ll leave you both up in the pasture, then go get your Grandmother.

At least you"ll have a few hours to spend up there.

I shouldn"t be too long.

Enjoy yourselves.

I"ll never forget this day as long as I live.

You were right, Heidi.

This is the most beautiful place in the world.

The meadow"s even more beautiful.

It"s filled with flowers.

I wish I could see it.

Maybe you can"t see it.

But I can ping some flowers to you.

I"ll be back!

Peter, how can you even talk to Klara after what you did?!

But I …

How could you peak her wheelchair like that?

He did it because he likes you, Heidi.

He was afraid you wouldn"t stay friends with him now that I was here.


Your goats have more sense than you do!

I"ve forgiven him, Heidi.

Can"t you?

I"ll do anything to make up for it.




You can help me get Klara to the meadow.

We"ll help her walk there!

Oh, Heidi, I don"t think so.

We can do it.

Just wrap one arm around my shoulder and the other around Peter"s.

I … I can"t do it!

Yes, you can!

You have to try, Klara!

I am, but …

Then stop saying “but” and just believe.

Remember what Grandmamma says?

If you believe, anything can happen.

I"m …I"m doing it!

I"m walking!

I"m really walking!!!


You are, Klara!!!

Now wait for us!

I don"t understand it, this is where I leave them.

But where can they be?

I … I don"t know.

Unless … No!

She couldn"t.

They couldn"t.

Wait for me!

She"s walking!

My Klara is walking!



It really is the most beautiful place in the world.


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