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生物燃料颗粒 生物燃料是救星吗?

发布时间:2019-06-11 11:05:27 影响了:

  Host: Biofuels were meant to be the answer; part of the answer to global warming. Instead of digging highlypolluting coal and oil out of the ground, we grow the fuel we need. There were many people who worried that doing that would push up the cost of food, but it’s turned out to be even worse than that. It actually harmed the environment, the very thing it was meant to protect. That at least is the conclusion of a report by the Nuffield Council on Bioethics. One of its authors is Professor Ottoline Leyser of Cambridge University. She joins me now. Good morning to you.
  Leyser: Good morning.
  Host: How do you work that out?
  Leyser: Well, there’s quite a lot of evidence that the initial policies that have been put in place to drive the rapid adoption of biofuels have had some negative impacts, because they’ve led to the very rapid drive to


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