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装卸货物注意事项 [货物]洗舱.装卸货的注意事项 --钢材

发布时间:2019-08-07 10:51:50 影响了:

Handy的船装钢材很常见,日韩去泰国、印尼、印度,台湾到越南,澳大利亚的Coastal voyages等等。


▼Cold Rolled Sheeting (bundles or coils)▼

▼Hot Rolled Plates (bundles or coils)▼

Reinforcing Beams and Bars (normally bundles)

▼Wire Rods (normally coils)▼


Sections (Beams/Pipes) (Normally in bundles, N.B. Check whether pipes sufficiently coated to resist water damage)

Billets (bundles but does depend on size)

Slabs, Blooms & Ingots (Single pieces)



例一:Hold condition on arrival 1st loading port to be clean, swept, washed down by fresh water and dried up, free from insects, odor, residue of previous cargo/loose rust scale, dried up and ready to receive Charterers" intended cargo all respects subject to relevant surveyors" inspection. If the vessel fails such survey, the vessel to be placed off-hire from time of the rejection until accepted in all holds, and any extra directly-related costs/expenses/time therefrom to be for Owners" account.

上述条款提到“fresh water wash”,这就要求货舱一定要用淡水过一遍。如果是短航次(比如上个卸港是韩国,下个装港在日本),时间短来不及洗全套,,那么就不用海水洗直接用淡水洗,节省时间。

例二:Vessel"s holds on delivery or latest on arrival first load port to be clean swept/washed down by fresh water and dried up so as to receive charterers" intended cargo of steel coils in all respects, free of salt(s), loose rust scales and previous cargo residue to the satisfaction of independent surveyor. The surveyor may apply silver-nitrate test to check above condition. If the vessel fails to pass any hold inspection/test as above the vessel should be placed off-hire from the time of rejection until the vessel passes the same inspection/test again. Any extra directly proven expense related to be for owners" account.

上述条款还提到 “silver-nitrate test”,这是用来检测货舱是否有海水可能会污染货物的一种简易方法。用淡水洗过舱,也是不用担心会检测出来问题。


装钢材如何装如何绑扎,这是一门学问。船上有本Cargo Securing Manual 专门讲如何绑扎固定货物,不同货物分不同章节。比如下面是其中一章节讲怎么装coils,coils重量不同,在货舱里面垒的层数也不同。

从基本上讲,无论装什么货肯定都不能超过tank top strength 以及船舶稳性,同时要符合IMO的要求。


Steel coils to be loaded/stowed/lashed and secured with wooden battens to master’s satisfaction with regard to stress trim and stability requirements and always in accordance with IMO codes and vessels tanktop strengths, also in compliance with local load/discharge port authorities regulations.

Vessel is not to be employed in carriage of steel slabs which employ California block stowage or vertical block stowage.

*关于California block stowage (CBS) 和CBS 的风险,可以参考Gard的文章California Block Stowage - Too free and easy? (/content/52442/california-block-stowage-too-free-and-easy) 或者其他PNI Club出的文章。

通常也还会加上这句 "All dunnage/lashing/securing to be for charterers" account/risk/expenses"。另外还有 "Removal cost is also for charterers" account",就是说卸货的时候把垫舱的木板呀绑扎的钢条呀统统都由租家安排处理掉,

如下图hot rolled coils的装货示例。▼

Preloading survey

船东有义务把货物完好的运到卸港交给收货人。如果装 finished steel products (products will not be processed in a steel mill before being used in a manufacturing process),比如Cold Rolled Coils, 货物就有可能会在从仓库运到港口的途中或者在港口堆放时生锈、货损。对于船东来讲,如果在卸货时候发现货损,则很难去证明货损是在装货前还是装货后发生的。因此,如果装 finished steel products, PNI Club都会要求进行Preloading survey。

作为Drybulk operations,则需要做如下几件事情:

1.通知PNI货种,询问是否Preloading survey is required or not.

2.如果拿到PNI 的答复说要求做Preloading survey,那么需要提供货量、装港、装港代理、船舶动态等。

3.拿到surveyor details之后,通知船长和charterers。


关于Preloading survey的费用,PNI 都是会cover的。同charterers之间,则要看合同如何规定,有的合同会讲一家一半,有的会说是for charterers" account,还有的说to be for account of the party who ordered same。


装钢材还有个下雨天是否允许装卸货的问题。Finished steel products一般是不会允许雨天装卸货的。Unfinished steel products可以允许雨天(通常是light rain)装卸货,租家还要出雨天装卸货的LOI,比如说装钢材的租船合同会有类似下面的条款:

Owners allow charterers to load/discharge hot rolled coils and hot plates and pipes during rain on the condition that:

- During light rain.

- Hot rolled coils and hot plates and pipes only, and no cold rolled coils or other steel cargoes to be loaded in same hold(s). In case cold rolled coils or other steel cargoes to be loaded in same holds, such cargoes to be loaded only after bottom of holds be dried upto the satisfaction of the master, and to be discharged only during no rain is observed.

- Final decision is always at master"s discretion.

- Charterers shall indemnify the owners from any consequences arising from the loading and/or discharging during rain and issue letter of indemnity under charterers" letterhead as per owners form.

最后总结一下钢材的类型以及哪些需要做Preloading survey,仅供参考,详情要咨询PNI,不同的PNI给的建议可能会不同。

此外,还想补充一点,装钢材垒的高的时候其实是很有利于upgrade the cargo holds,船员可以利用这个机会除高处的锈可以做touch-up,当然要切记把货物用塑料布盖上,不要把油漆滴到货物上。








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