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龙源期刊网 .cn 培养学生想象力,让英语课堂绽放魅力 作者:钱新苑 来源:《校园英语· 中旬》2014 年第 07 期 【摘要】爱因斯坦曾说过:“想象力比知识更重要,因为知识是有限的,而想象力概括世 界上的一切,推动着进步,并且是知识进化的源泉。”由此可见,想象力于一个人而言是相当 重要的。那么,如何在英语学科教学中培养学生的想象力呢?在本文中,将以学生想象力的培 养为重点分析和研究对象,并结合译林版小学中年级英语教学实例进行论述,以让英语课堂绽 放不一样的魅力。

【关键词】小学英语 想象力培养 绽放魅力 想象力是人在已有形象的基础上,在头脑中创造出新形象的能力。儿童的世界充满着奇思 幻想。再加上小学生天生喜欢想象,想象不一样的童话世界,想象人类未探索的空间等。可以 说,小学生在想象力方面有着惊人的能力。但是,想象力也不是天然形成的,因而需要英语教 师去培养、去发展。

一、头脑风暴教学,激发学生想象力 头脑风暴意为调动学生围绕一个主题集思广益,产生新观点的过程。在长期的课堂实践教 学中发现,在导入或者复习时,利用头脑风暴极易将学生的思维激发。特别是在培养学生发散 性思维、开启学生想象力方面具有重大价值。在词汇复习时,运用头脑风暴法,可以有效避免 传统单调记忆单词读音、拼写的模式,让课堂教学呈现另一番景象。例如,在学习译林版小学 四年级英语 I like dogs 这一单元时,我运用了头脑风暴进行教学,成功将学生的想象力激发。

本节课是以复习式导入课堂教学,主要复习上一节课学习的重点词汇,例如 panda, dog, tiger 等。但在复习时,并不是简单的竞猜单词,而是让学生发挥想象力,加上一些修饰词。为 了让学生明白任务要求,我先举例示范,如 a lovely dog。学生明白后,开始让学生举例。有 学生说 a big elephant;有学生说 a small dog。说到这里时,我感觉学生的思维被定势了,也没有 什么更好的词语修饰这些动物。此时,我灵机一动,再次举例说小兔子是不是很 cute 呢,如果 是就可以用 a cute rabbit。师继续:那是谁家的兔子呢?此时,学生的想象力再次被激活,一 连串地说出 his monkey; my dog,甚至还有学生说出 my lazy cat。总是,利用头脑风暴方式, 学生对于已经学过的词汇不断拓展,将自身的想象力激活,并且取得很好的课堂教学效果。

二、创设英语情境,培养学生想象力 在小学英语课堂教学中,培养学生想象力的另一种有效方法是以情境作为牵引。情境可以 是虚拟的,也可以是真实或者模拟的。但在创设英语情境时,要多考虑情境是否能真正助力于 学生想象力的培养。例如,在学习译林版小学三年级英语 Colours 这一单元时,教师以虚拟情 境,重点培养学生的想象力。我大胆采用了“听颜色”的做法,让学生在虚拟的情境中想象力不 龙源期刊网 .cn 断拓展。首先,利用多媒体的音频功能,将自己提前在网上剪接的声音播放给学生,让学生听 声音,猜颜色。例如,有鞭炮声,有欢歌笑语,让学生想象着过年时人们穿着的颜色、门口灯 笼的颜色、对联的颜色;有海浪击打声,让学生想象着海的颜色,甚至还可以想象着云的颜 色,如蓝天白云;有冬雪融化的声音,鸟鸣声,让学生想象着万物复苏,大地的颜色等。总 之,在这个情境教学中,学生的想象力得到了很好的培养,学生“听”得趣味盎然;学生“想”得 “天花乱坠”。

三、设计有效作业,提高学生想象力 设计有效的作业也能助力于学生想象力的发展与提高。特别是在一些看图说话、小作文的 作业中,或者是半开放的作业中,学生的想象力会得到更大的培养与提高。例如,在学习译林 版小学四年级英语 After school 这一单元时,教师可以设计半开放型的作文,以促进学生想象 力的提高。本次半开放的作文题以单元题目为题,即 after school,I ...学生可以根据这一内 容,自己拓展、发挥。可以是课后趣事;也可以是学生想象中的课后活动,总之,内容越新颖 越好。这一半开放型的作业给学生留足了想象空间,学生可以写实,也可以写虚,完全尊重学 生的意愿。又如,在学习译林版小学四年级英语 Drawing in the park 这一单元时,教师可以设 计图画和写作相结合的作业,提高学生的想象力。本次作业依然是以单元主题为内容,即 drawing in the park,学生需要画出自己理想中的公园,并配上简短的公园图画说明。总之,英 语教师可以设计一些有效的作业,给学生留下想象的空间,让学生的想象力得到提高。

四、开展英语活动,拓展学生想象力 学生的想象力需要拓展。那么,如何拓展学生的想象力呢?可以开展一些英语活动,让学 生的想象力得到有效拓展。例如,在学习译林版小学三年级英语 Happy new year 这一单元时, 教师可以设计一个小小的动手操作活动,拓展学生的想象力。新年到来时,人们都有寄贺卡的 习惯。于是,教师可以利用这一习惯,让学生自己动手制作贺卡,并附上英文祝愿语在卡片 上。这一活动让学生的想象力得到自由飞翔,学生可以根据自己的风格设计贺卡,根据自己想 说的话写上对应的英文。又如,在学习译林版小学三年级英语 would you like a pie 这一单元 时,教师设计了“模拟购买”的活动,让学生真实扮演购买的情景。在这个活动中,对话是自由 发挥的,学生的想象力不受束缚。实践证明,活动对于激发学生的创造力、想象力等都是大有 裨益的,英语教师可以借助活动,让学生的想象力得到更大的拓展。

总之,作为教育新形势下的英语教师,必须抓住一切有利的机会和途径,培养和发展学生 的想象力,让英语课堂教学绽放魅力。小学生的想象力本来就很丰富,再加上教师注重运用有 效的方法去培养,学生的想象力一定会得到更大的发展。

参考文献: [1]孙娟.英语教学如何培养学生创新思维[J].教育.2011


想象力比知识更重要英语作文【篇一:关于创造力的英语作文】the importance ofthecreativitythe creative progress has always been accepted as the source of all important work in the arts , but we should not think the creativity plays a role only in the arts. what is more, creativity is vital in our modern society, wherever we are from and whatever we do. every major scientific discovery began with someone imagining the world to look differently from the way others saw it. and this is what creativity is all about---imagining the world in a new way. as a college student,we should attach much importance to the creativity.the more creative we are, the more achievement we will attain. in our daily life,i regard creativity as the salt of life, which transfers boring life into colorful and meaningful life.being creative, we will acquire more ability and insight.therefore, those who are creative are always capable and enjoy life. with the increasingly rapid economic globalization and urbanization, we are entering a new area, full of opportunities and challenges.we are in the stage where everyone are capable, thus, it is undeniable what separates the achiever and loser is creativity.only in this way can we live a brilliant life in the cruel competition. in a word, in the 21st century, creativity is of great importance,which plays an increasingly vital role in our study, daily life and future career.【篇二:英语演讲稿-没有想象力就没有创造力】no imagination, no creativity dear teachers and students: good morning / afternoon / evening! my name is liu zi yuan. the title of my speech is the relationship between creativity and imagination. 尊敬的老师、同学们大家早上/下午/晚上好!我叫刘子源。我演讲的 题目是创造力和想象力之间的关系。

there is no creativity without imagination. with the development of the society, creativity becomes more and more important. people could not satisfy with ordinary life. so we need creativity to meet their requirements. we can see significance of the creativity from an example. the smart phone—iphone spread all over the world. that was the creativity of the apple inc. it is obvious that it will produce a bigger profit than common manufacturing. but, hao can we acquire creativity? 没有想象力就没有创造力。随着社会的发展,创造力变得越来越重 要。人们已经不能满足于日常生活。所以我们需要不断的创新来满 足他们的需求。通过一个例子我们可以知道创造力的意义。苹果智 能手机的使用遍及全世界。这就是苹果公司的创新。很显然,这项 创新产生了巨大的利润比起普通的制造业。但是我们怎样才能获得 创造力? i think the creativity roots in imagination. albert einstein said that imagination is important than knowledge. because we should creative a thing that is never appeared, we need to image. use all the things and information around us to think and then go to achieve it. without the imagination of the wright brothers , human could not complete the flying dreams. without the imagination of the alexander graham bell, we could not hear the voice from a distance. if the creativity can make the human progress, imagination will be the road to success. where the imagination come from? knowledge ? experience ? practice? i consider that all of them are indispensable. it is often said that knowledge is power. so we should empower ourselves with knowledge. after that we need to obtain experience form practice. these are the basis, and we must strengthen them to extend our imagination. 我认为创造力扎根于想象力。爱因斯坦曾经说过,想象力远远比知 识更重要。因为我们要创造一个事物,以前从没有出现过的,因此 我们需要想象。利用我们周围所有的事物以及信息去想象,然后去 完成它。

没有莱特兄弟的想象力,人类就不能实现飞天的梦想;没 有贝尔的想象力,我们就不能听到来自远方的声音。如果说创造力 可以使人进步,那么想象力就是通向成功的道路。想象力来自哪里? 知识?经验?还是实践?我觉得所有这些都是必不可少的。俗语有 云:知识就是力量。所以我们首先应该用知识武装自己,然后我们 需要从实践中获得经验。这些都是基础,我们必须用它们来扩展我 们的思维。 as contemporary college students, we must shoulder the responsibility of the future of our motherland. what we need is not only the knowledge of the past, but also is the innovation of a new field. our thought can not be bound by the old things. we should understand that an excellent nation is always full of creativity. so we must promote our imagination. there is no creativity without imagination. that’s all, thank you! 作为一个当代的大学生,我们需要肩负起祖国的未来。我不仅需要 旧的知识,而且更要创新新的知识领域。我们的思想不能被旧知识 所束缚。我们应该知道,一个优秀的民族永远是一个具有创新性的 名族,所以我们必须提升我们的想象力。因为没有想象力就没有创 造力。

演讲完毕,谢谢大家!【篇三:八上英语作文范文】1.你以后可能会有很多钱,想想如果你有了钱,你会用它做说明? 请根据提示词汇,展开联想,以.if i have a lot of money 为题写一 篇 60 词左右的短文。

key words: 1.travel around the world 2.big house ,parents, a happy life ,buy a car 3.charities, help poor students, go to school, get a good education. if i have a lot of money if i have a lot of money, i will have many thing things to do. first, if i have a lot of money, i’ll buy a big house for my parents. i hope they can live a happy and comfortable life. i like traveling very much. it’s my dream to travel around the world. so if i have a lot of money, i will travel all over the world to make my dream come true. if i am rich, i will give my money to charities and help those poor children to go to school. i’ll be very happy when i see them studying in bright classroom and get food education. i have so many dreams. to realize my dreams, i must study hard from now. 2. 时光飞逝,岁月如梭。时间一去不复返,如果没有明确的计划, 时间将会荒废。请你根据提示简单谈谈你的过去和今后的计划。

(1)when and where were you born? (2) when did you start ……? (3)when did you first…….? (4) what are you going to be when you grow up? (5) how are you going to do that ? (6) what is your new year’s resolution? my name is mary. i’m a 13-year-old girl from no.1 middle school. i was born on february 20th. i like playing the piano. i started to play it when i was seven years old. so i can play it quite well now. i want to be a pianist. i’m going to practice piano really hard every day. new year is coming. i’m going to take more exercise to be healthy. i’m going to eat more fruit and vegetables. they are good for my health. i’m going to study hard at all my subjects and get good grades. i’ll talk about my problems and worries with my parents because they have a lot of experience and they’re ready to help me. 3. 假如你是 nancy 的好朋友,请根据所给的词汇,充分发挥你的 想象力,写一篇 60 词左右的短文来介绍她的爱好及未来的打算。

key words: 14 years old, more outgoing, exercise, like comedies best, interesting and exciting, talk shows, educational, a computer programmer, hav e robots at home i have a good friend, nancy. she is a 14-year-old girl. she is more outgoing than me. she has many hobbies. she likes sports a lot. she exercises every day, so she is very healthy. her favorite movies are comedies. she thinks they are really interesting and funny. she wants to be a computer programmer. she is studying computer science very hard at school. there will be two robots at her house so she has less work to do and more free time to travel. 4. 每个同学都喜欢吃水果沙拉,你知道水果沙拉是怎么制作的吗? 请你结合学过的知识,写一个水果沙拉的制作方法。

提示语 first, next, then, finally, apple, pear, grape, banana, orange, salad, cream, sugar, wash, cut, add….to, mix….up, put i like fruit salad very much. do you want to know how to make a fruit salad? here’s a recipe for a great fruit salad. first, wash an apple, a pear and some grapes. next, peel a banana and an orange. then, cut them up and put them in a bowl. after that, add some cream and sugar to the bowl. finally, mix them all up. the fruit salad is ready. so you can eat it. i think it is very delicious. 5.请你预测 30 年以后的中学生生活, 以 students’ life in 30 years 为题,写一篇 60-80 词以上的短文。

students’ life in 30 years i think the students’ life in 30 years will be quite different fr om ours today. they will not go to school to have any classes. they will stay at home to study on computers. they will ask their teachers or classmates for help by chatting on the internet. they won’t use paper, pens or exercise books. they will go to school to have sports together. for example, they will go to school to play ball games. i don’t like that kind of life. i like to meet my teachers and classmates every day. 5. 以 my vacation to _________为题,写一篇 60 词 左右的短文. last summer vacation, i went to qingdao with my family by train. there was always sunshine and fresh air, which made us so comfortable. we went to the seaside and the sea was blue. i also picked up a lot of colorful shells with my little sister. there i bought many interesting things for my friends. we ate much delicious food there. then we lived in a clean and tidy hotel, and the price was not so expensive. i like qingdao very much, and i hope to come there again. it is such a beautiful and interesting place. 6.假设你叫 david, 你的朋友 peter 邀请你这周六参加他的生日宴会, 但你的妹妹生病了,爸爸妈妈在美国下周才能回来,你要照顾妹妹, 而且期末考试即将来临,你得认真复习,积极参加考试。因此你无 法去参加生日宴会。你感到十分抱歉,只好写信辞谢。词数在 60-80 左右 dear peter thanks a lot for inviting me to your birthday party. i’d love to, but i can’t. my parents are in america. they are coming back next week. and now i have to look after my sister because she is ill. i also need to study for my coming final exam. i am very sorry that i can’t. thanks for your invitation again. i like it very much. i hope you have a good time yours, david.


The imagination is necessary skill as a normal person. When I was young, the teacher always keep my imagination by painting. The teacher don’t permit us to copy others people’s picture. But she said a or some objects with words. Then we have to image the object or solid figure in brain. This makes us have better feelings of space. I remembered that imagination is related with Right brain. Therefore, we should advance our imagination by more starting work. In senior, I have been learning science. When I do the physical and mathematical questions, usually I will make a sketch. If I don’t better imagination, I will be able to paint the picture. Imagination is also the soul of creation. In most case, the physical and mathematical expressions is inferred. And those depend on the imagination. I think many scientist must have better imagination. Sometimes, people have good imagination like to listen songs. In the advancement of science and technology, imagination is foundation of advancement. After having imagination, everything become possible. Only imagination makes us have the potentiality of development. 物业安保培训方案 为规范保安工作,使保安工作系统化/规范化,最终使保安具备满足工作需要的知识和技能,特制定本教学教材大纲。


其中专业理论知识内容包括:保安理论知识、消防业务知识 、职业道德、法律常识、保安礼仪、救护知识。作技能训练内容包括:岗位操作指引、勤务技能、消防技能、军事 技能。

二.培训的及要求培训目的 1)保安人员培训应以保安理论知识、消防知识、法律常识教学为主,在教学过程中,应要求学员全面熟知保安理论知识及消防专业知识,在工作中的操作与运用,并基本掌握现场 保护及处理知识2)职业道德课程的教学应根据不同的岗位元而予以不同的内容,使保安在各自不同的工作岗位上都能养成具有本职业特点的良好职业道德和行为规范)法律 常识教学是理论课的主要内容之一,要求所有保安都应熟知国家有关法律、法规,成为懂法、知法、守法的公民,运用法律这一有力武器与违法犯罪分子作斗争。工作入口门 卫守护,定点守卫及区域巡逻为主要内容,在日常管理和发生突发事件时能够运用所学的技能保护公司财产以及自身安全。

2、培训要求 1)保安理论培训 通过培训使保安熟知保安工作性质、地位、任务、及工作职责权限,同时全面掌握保安专业知识以及在具体工作中应注意的事项及一般情况处置的原则和方法。

2)消防知识及消防器材的使用 通过培训使保安熟知掌握消防工作的方针任务和意义,熟知各种防火的措施和消防器材设施的操作及使用方法,做到防患于未燃,保护公司财产和员工生命财产的安全。

3) 法律常识及职业道德教育 通过法律常识及职业道德教育,使保安树立法律意识和良好的职业道德观念,能够运用法律知识正确处理工作中发生的各种问题;增强保安人员爱岗敬业、无私奉献更好的为公司 服务的精神。

4) 工作技能培训


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