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当幸福来敲门最后片段 电影[当幸福来敲门]经典片段对白

发布时间:2019-07-27 09:21:56 影响了:



The Pursuit of Happyness



明天不一定更美好,但美好的明天尸定会来临。电影The Pursuit of Happyness正反映了这样一个信态这部根据真人真事改编的电影体现了主人a-Chris Gardner的追梦之旅以及他和儿子Christopher间深厚的父子情。

Hold Fast to Your Dreams

Chris Gardner (Will Smith饰)是一位普通的医疗器械推销员,他花光所有的积蓄买下了堆满一面墙的骨密度测定仪,坚信这些revolutionary machine一定会卖得很好,一定能让他和妻儿过上幸福的生活。可现实生活不遂人愿,任凭Chris如何努力,都很难卖出这种测定仪。于是,生活开始变得摇摆不定。妻子不得不在工厂上double shift work(两班倒)来贴补家用.他们五岁的儿子Christopher只能每天被寄放在收费低廉的日托所里。Chris这样一个正直、坚韧的男人,却总没办法让家里过上好日子。路过金融区,遇到了一个开着红色法拉利且和他同龄的白领。


Chris: Man, I got two questions for you: What do you do? And

how do you do it? Man: I"m a stockpoker(证券经纪人).

Chris: Stockpoker. Oh. Had to go to college to be a stockpoker, huh?


Man: You don"t have to.That"s it.Have to be good with numbers and good with people.

当时世界一流的证券公司Dean Witter有个为期六个月的实习生项目。仅有中学历的Chris深知自己的简历很难赢得面试的机会。于是,他直接去找该公司的人力主管Jay Twistle. Twistle收下了Chris的简历,让他回去等电话。可一个月过去了,依旧音讯全无。不甘放弃的Chris决定再次主动找Twistle面谈。


Chris: Chris Gardner.

Twistle: Yeah, hi. What can I do for you?

Chris: I submitted an application for the intern program about a month ago…and I would just love the opportunity to sit with you piefly-

Twistle: Listen, I"m going to Noe Valley, Chris. Take care of yourself.


Chris: Mr. Twistle. Actually, I"m on my way to Noe Valley also. How about we share a ride?

Twistle: All right. Get in.

Chris: So when I was in the Navy, I worked for a doctor who loved to play golf,hours and hours every day…and I would actually perform medical procedures when he"d leave me in the office. So I"m used to being in a position where I have to make decisions and…

[发现Twistle没在听]Mr. Twistle, listen. This is a very important…


Twistle: I"m sorry. I"m sorry. This thing"s impossible.

Chris: I can do it.

Twistle: No, you can"t. No one can. It"s bullshit.

Chris: No, I"m pretty sure I can do it.

Twistle: No, you can"t

Chris: Let me see it. Give it here


Chris: Oh, yeah. Oh, wow, you really sed it up.

Twistle: Sorry.

Chris: It looks like it works around a swivel(转体),so the center pieces never move. So if it"s yellow in the center, that"s the yellow side. If it"s red in the center,that"s the red side.


Chris: You can slow down.

Twistle: Oh! Listen, we can drive around all day. I don"t believe you can do this.


Chris: Yeah, I can.

Twistle: No, you can"t.

Chris: Yes, I can.

Twistle: No, you can"t. I"m telling you, no one can…See, that"s all I ever did…You almost have this side ... Holy cow! [Chris转出了一面]Oh, You almost had that one.


Chris: I"m gonna get it.

Twistle: Look at that. You"re almost there.

Taxi driver: Seventeen ten.

Chris: This is me.


Twistle: Good job. Goodbye!

Chris: Ok. I"ll see you…see you soon.





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