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英语道谢 如何回答_Unit8,When,is,your,birthday

发布时间:2019-06-25 04:12:41 影响了:

  中图分类号:G63 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-0745(2012)08-0011-01  Sing the birthday song before the class
  Step1 warming-up & revision 2
  T: Whose birthday is it? (Show a picture of my daughter
  Ss: Your daughter.
  T: Yes, it’s my daughter’s birthday.
  Can you say Happy birthday to my daughter?
  She’s two years now. She can count from 1 to 31. Can you?
  Ss :Count from one by one.
  Step2 presentaiton1 8’
  Show a calendar.
  T: Let’s look at this calendar. There are 12 months in a year. Right?
  My daughter’s birthday is in November. (Teach November).
  T: When is your birthday? S1: My birthday is in January.(Teach January).
  T: Who can tell me your birthday?
  Don’t be afraid to tell me your birthday.
  Whose birthday is in this month?
  Let’s learn the rest months.
  Teach twelve months in this way.
  Step3 Practice 2
  T: let’s play a game.
  Step4 Presentation2 5’
  T: Well. January is the first month of a year. What about February?
  Teach first to twelfth in this way. Show ordinal numbers from 1 to 31.
  T: See before this class, we’ve learned cardinal numbers.
  Today, we are learning ordinal numbers and we can also write them this way. (展示缩写形式)
  T: What’s the difference between cardinal numbers and ordinal numbers.
  What are the special ordinal numbers?
  T: Here are the rules. Let’s read it together. Ask Ss to read this ordinal numbers by train.
  T: Now, let me check you. Ask Ss to spell the special ordinal numbers.
  Ask Ss to say out ordinal numbers from 21 to 31.
  Step5 Practice 5
  Let’s say. (Last three are dates)
  Can you read these words? Match the festivals with the dates.
  Step6 Presentation2 6
  T: My birthday is June 22nd.When is your birthday?
  S1: My birthday is… .Ss ask by trains.
  T: When is his/her birthday?
  Ss: His/Her birthday is…
  T: When are their birthdays? Ask Ss to do pairwork
  Step7 Listening 5’
  T: When are Leila Nick Robert Jane’s birthdays? Let’s listen.
  First, listen and circle the numbers in 2a.
  T: Listen again. Match the names, months and dates.Check the answers in pairs.
  Step8 Follow-ups 6-8’
  T: Now everybody takes out a piece of paper .Ask the birthdays of your group members and write them down. Let’s make a group birthday calendar.
  Step9 summary 2’
  T: Let’s see what we’ve got in this class.
  We’ve learned months, ordinal numbers and new sentence patterns about how to ask other birthday.Now let’s chant to end this class.(时间有多分组chant)
  Bb. Design


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