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论尤金·奥尼尔《送冰的人来了》的精神生态:啊 荒野 尤金奥尼尔

发布时间:2019-06-27 04:08:32 影响了:

  中图分类号:I106 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-0745(2012)08-0013-01  摘要:尤金·奥尼尔在《送冰的人来了》中展现了其对精神生态的关注,通过对剧中人物性格及情节,表现出他对人类与环境,人类与人类自己之间的平衡的关注。
  关键词:精神生态 平衡 关系 交流
  1. O"Neill"s Spiritual Ecology
  Ecology has been divided into three parts by Lu Shuyuan: natural ecology, social ecology and spiritual ecology. He also gives the definition of the spiritual ecology as a subject which deals with the relationship between humanbeings and the surroundings such as the natural environment, the social environment and the cultural one. It pays much attention to the healthy growth of humanbeings and on the other side, concerns the balance, stability and improvement of eco-system by the harmony of human"s spiritual movements.[1]
  Eugene O"Neill pay much attention to ecology in his dramas. Yang Zhuongju refers in A Brief Description of American Ocean Literature from Naturalism to Symbolism and Ecocritism that O"Neill is the representative of ocean dramas who has shown the sign of the change from symbolism to ecocriticism.[2] Zhangjun also figures out in his book of On O"Neill"s tragic sense and aesthetics thoughts that O"Neill"s tragedies expose humanbeings" life and suffering, while giving readers the power to face life and think about life rightly to enlighten and purify their souls.[3]
  2.The Spiritual Ecology Expressed in The Iceman Cometh
  In The Iceman Cometh, a crowd of losers gather in Harry Hope"s saloon which lies on the downtown West Side of New York, they drink alcohols and spend their time in daydreaming all the time. Since they fear for the reality in the modern society which is dominated by materialization and uncertainty, they stay in the hotel to escape from reality in return. As to fix themselves accordance with the terrible conditions, those loses drink and keep talking about their past successful experiences and dreaming tomorrow all day long. To some extent, it can be explained that they escape from the reality because they are seeking some way to balance themselves and the society at that time and trying to express their ways of life by communicating and establishing a peaceful relationship with each other in the saloon which can be seen as a minimal alienated society.
  For them , in the modern society, it"s better to live than to die. They show the importance of daydreaming for themselves. It can be easily found out from the thoughts of O"Neill who says "We must live in daydreams, otherwise we have to die"[4]. In the saloon, people there lose life of meaning and suffer a lot in their daily life, they can only live through daydreaming. Only by this means, they can achieve the balance between themselves and the society ,the balance between people all around. Daydreaming is a way to face the society and others and even themselves not only in spiritual aspects.


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