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发布时间:2019-07-21 09:28:45 影响了:



Younger 更年轻的 older 更年长的 heavier 更重的 Shorter 更矮的;更短的 bigger 更大的 thinner 更瘦的 Taller 更高的 smaller 更小的 lower 更低的 Longer 更长的 stronger 更强壮的 smarter 更聪明的


Dinosaur 恐龙 hall 大厅 metre 米 than 比

Both 两个都 kilogram 千克 公斤 countyside 乡村 shadow 影子 Become 开始变得


How heavy 多重 how tall 多高 what size 什么尺码 Go down 落下 have a try 试一试 catch the ball 接到球


Let ’s have a look 让我们看一看 really? 真的吗?

I can’t wait 我等不及了 what ’s happening here? 这里正在发生什么?

What 短语知多少

What colour 什么颜色 what colour is your car?( 问词+谓语动词+被问物体)

What time 什么时间 what time is it ? (问词+谓语动词+it.)it 可指代天气;时间 What class 哪个班 what class are you in? (问词+谓语动词+主语+in)

What grade 哪个年级 what grade is jim in?(问词+谓语动词+主语+in) What day 星期几 what day is it today? (问词+谓语动词+it+today)

What date 什么日期 what date is it today (问词+谓语动词+it+today)



题目:my family

1. 先介绍家里几口人(There are+数字+in my family)

2. 分别是谁 (They are+人物角色)

3. 成员之间先比较年龄(写两点) 身高(写一点)体重(写一点)

4. 结尾表达爱家人,是幸福一家(I love….


There are 4 people in my family. They are my father,my mother,my sister and me. My father is older than my mother,I am older than my sister.But she is taller than me. I am heavier than my sister. I love all of us,we are a happy family.


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