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发布时间:2019-08-02 09:37:10 影响了:

铁锈色痰rusty phlegm

黄绿色痰 greenish-yellow phlegm 打喷嚏 be sneezing

发烧 have a fever

感冒 have a cold

浓痰 sputum

不停地咳嗽 constant/hacking/persistent cough 咳嗽有血 cough up blood

肌肉痛 aching muscle

骨头痛 aching bone

关节痛 aching joint

失声 lose the voice

嗓子痛 a sore throat

声音嘶哑 hoarse voice

喉咙沙哑 a scratchy throat

刺痛 a stabbing pain/a sharp pain

鼻子流水 a runny nose

小便频繁 frequent urination

弯腰 bend over

躺下 lie down

过度出汗 excessive sweating

意外疲惫 unexpected tireness

难以解释的疲倦 unexplained tireness 反常地疲倦 unusual tireness

复视 a double vision

肿胀 be buldging

头痛 headache

耳朵痛 earache


喘气 be out of peath/be peathless 头晕 be light-headed

体重减轻 loss of weight

食欲减退 loss of appetide

听力减退loss of hearing

虚弱 be lacking ing energy

发痒 be itchy

阴道痒 feel vaginal itching

一个肿块 one lump

月经量多 heavy bleeding with her periods 痛经 painful periods

气味不好 unpleasant smell

阴道分泌物 vaginal discharge


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