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[2012年暑期旅客运输方案出台] 铁路旅客运输规程

发布时间:2019-06-21 04:01:03 影响了:

   2012 summer passenger transportation program introduced   为满足暑运高峰期客流需求,同时确保下半年铁路运输生产经营工作顺利进行,铁道部出台了2012年暑期临客运行图和调整列车运行图方案,均于7月1日起实行。2012年铁路暑期运输期限自7月1日起,至8月31日止,共62天。预计全国铁路将发送旅客37200万人,同比增加2165万人,日均发送600万人,增长6.2%。其中,各铁路局发送跨局中长途直通旅客13780万人,同比增加940万人,日均发送222万人,增长6.8%左右。调图后,铁路部门将新增直通客车13.5对,变更运行区段18对。汉宜线开通初期,将安排开行旅客列车31对;龙漳、厦深线厦漳段开通初期,将安排开行旅客列车17对。据铁路部门分析,暑期客流以旅游观光、休假疗养、学生客流为主,其中,旅游客流将贯穿整个暑期。此外,8月中下旬,西安、武汉、郑州、太原、兰州、成都等铁路局进疆采棉客流将逐渐增大,将形成暑运的另一波高峰。暑运期间,除在线路上正常运行的旅客列车外,铁路部门将增开大量临客应对增长的客流。暑期共安排直通临客54对,图定列车延长运行区段2对。
  To meet peak summer passenger transportation demand, while ensuring the smooth progress of railway transportation in the second half of the production and management, the Ministry of Railways has issued the 2012 summer passenger transportation program and adjust train operation diagram program ,which are carried out on July 1.
  2012 Railway summer transportation period from July 1 to August 31, a total of 62 days. Expected that the national railway passengers 37200 million, an increase of 2165 million people, average daily send 600 million , an increase of 6.2%. Among them, the Railway Administration to send an inter-bureau in the long-distance through passenger 13780 million,an increase of 940 million, average daily send 222 million, an increase of about 6.8%.
  编辑: 贺洁 美编:刘雯雯


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