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发布时间:2019-07-25 09:35:03 影响了:


Main skills:

1. Using “if ” 使用if 引导的条件句

2. Give reasons and examples to explain why. 运用原因和例子进行解释

Model Answers

Question: Do you prefer to travel by bike or by bus?

1○2cycling traveling by bus. Cycling is so much more Answer: ○

3’s often faster to go by convenient than taking the bus if you’re not traveling too far. ○

4bike because you don’t get stuck in traffic jams! ○

other means of transport, including buses.


1 Well = Okay = Sure ○

2 I prefer + verb-ing to/rather than + verb-ing = I prefer + to verb + rather than + verb ○

I prefer chatting online to talking on the phone = I prefer chatting online rather than talking on the phone I prefer to chat online rather than talk on the phone

3 Actually = In fact ○

4 Also = In addition ○


1. Do you prefer talking on the phone or chatting online?

2. Do you prefer writing letters or sending emails?

Expression for Topic 1:

1) Chatting online saves me lots of phone bills, especially those long-distance and overseas bills.

2) cell phones have much radiation. 手机有辐射。

3) webcam 摄像头

4)contact people in no time 随时与人联系

5) cell phones have lots of features, like SMS(short message service), built-in camera, Wi-Fi access. 手机有短信服务、内置相机、无线上网功能

6) a must-have 一个必带的东西

7) talk with someone over the phone for a long time 和某人煲电话粥

8) landlines have no radiation. 固定电话没有辐射

Expression for Topic 2:

1) very convenient and super fast 很方便快捷

2) All it takes is just typing some words and clicking the “send ” key.

3)As the saying goes, “Everything exists for a reason.” 常言道, “凡事存在自有它的道理”

4)irreplaceable strong point 不可替代的优势

5) great sentimental value 特别的情感价值

6) let me put it this way 让我这么说吧

Formula 2: How often do you…?

Main skills:

1. Mixing tenses (past & now)/ Comparing 混合时态(过去&现在)比较

2. Using “if ” 使用if 引导的条件句

3. using adverbs of frequency 使用频率副词

4. Using “which ” 使用“which ”引导定语从句

Model Answers

Question: How often do you watch T.V.?

1○2 I ○3watch T.V ., you know, Answer: ○

shows like cartoons — all kids enjoy. I suppose — and some comedies as well. I’m usually quite busy with my studies so I almost never time to “watch the box”. Or: I’“watch the box”. Note:

1 Well = Okay = Um ○

2 when I was a kid = when I was younger = when I was in high school = years ago = ages ago ○

3 always 总是> usually 通常>often 经常> sometimes(every once in a while) 有时>○

occasionally(from time to time) 偶尔>rarely/seldom/ almost never/ hardly ever 很少/几乎不> never 从不


3. How often do you usually hang out?

4. How often do you usually watch films?

Expression for Topic 3:

1) be under a lot of pressure at study 学习压力很大

2) take some time off 休息一段时间

3) My motto is “Work hard, play harder!” 我的座右铭是“学好,玩得更好”

4)singing karaoke and going clubbing are always my favorite choices K 歌和泡夜店是我的最爱

5) loosen up 放松

6) have fun every now and then 偶尔找点乐子

Expression for Topic 4:

1) Hollywood blockbusters are released 上映好莱坞大片

2) I can never resist the temptation from those big hits 难以抵制这些大片的诱惑

3)These films’ debuts are always tempting 这些电影的首映很吸引人

4) have a lot of special effects 有很多特效

5) an internationally known film director 国际知名导演

6) an intriguing plot 一个引人入胜的情节

7)a grand spectacle 宏大的场面

8) rush to the cinema and check it out 冲到电影院看

Formula 3: Do you like…?

Main skills:

1. Mixing tenses (past & now)/ Comparing 混合时态(过去&现在)比较

2. Using alternate vocabulary to describe “like ” 用替代词来表达“喜欢”

3. using uncommon vocabulary to describe your likes/interests 用不常见的词语来描述你的喜好和兴趣

4. Using groups as examples 举若干组例子

5. Using “which ”, “that ”…etc 用 “which ”, “that ”等

6. using time expressions 使用表明时间的词句

Model Answers

Question: Do you love animals?


domestic animals, such as canines and felines(狗和猫), 3wild animals that are felines, which are cool. ○

under the threat of extinction.


1 when I was a kid = when I was younger = when I was in high school = years ago = ages ago ○

2 like = I’m partial to…我偏爱 = I’m fond of…我喜欢 = I’m crazy about…我为……而疯○

狂 = I’m quite into… 我着迷于… = I get a kick out of…我对…痴狂 = I am a big fan of…我特喜欢…= I’m keen on…

3表达“很喜欢…”时不能说“I very like…”○,应该说“I really/particularly/especially like…” Practice:

5. Do you love cooking?

6. Do you love painting ?

Expression for Topic 5:

1) have a certain fascination for cooking 特别喜欢做饭

2) a great sense of satisfaction and achievement 巨大的满足感和成就感

3) help me unwind 使我放松

4) take my mind off the stressful study 不再去想繁重的学习

5) yummy dishes 美味菜肴

6) cultivate my temperament 陶冶情操

7) spice up my life 为生活增添情趣

8) traditional Chinese food (spring rolls 春卷) 中国传统食物

9) ethnic food (sushi) 民族风味(寿司)

10) Western food (steak) 西餐(牛排)

Expression for Topic 6:

1) have a talent for painting 有绘画的天分

2) relax my nerve 放松我的神经

3) cultivate my aesthetic judgment 培养审美感

4) inspire my creativity 激发创造力

5) I fancy watercolors 我喜欢水彩

6) The tones of different colors never fail to fascinate me 不同颜色的色调总是让我着迷

7) I am a big of cartoons 我特喜欢卡通画

8) sketch is not my cup of tea 素描不和我的口味


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