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【Unit 1“I love football!”教学设计及反思】I like football

发布时间:2019-02-07 04:16:13 影响了:

  (本课选自外研社义务教育课程标准实验教科书《英语》七年级下册Module 1 Unit3。)      一、教材分析      本单元教学内容主要围绕询问个人爱好及其他个人信息展开,让学生在对话中巩固学过的知识并掌握一系列的英语日常用语。教学重点:sometimes, science, happiest,New York High School, half an hour, after school, start school, play with,English is fun and so is maths. She is here to teach us.
  采用小组合作学习方式进行知识讲授,如:在小组讨论下让学生尽可能多地用英语说一些日常生活中的活动,组内同学可相互交流自己的喜好。并可用上单元学过的句型进行询问,如:Do you like … ? How long does the journey take? How many …? 等创设情境,在小组成员的表演中通过询问获取对方的信息。
  1. 通过学生的表演来练习各种行为的表达;
  2. 收集各种富有情景的图片;
  3. 相应的巩固知识的练习;
  4. 轻松而有助于学习的歌曲。
  1. Warming-up
  Play a game:Divide the students into four groups, have each group do some activities without saying, then ask other groups to guess what he or she does, and write the activities on the blackboard. At last give a present to the winner which group guesses the most correctly.
  For example: play football, draw a picture, sing a song, read books.
  2. Leading-in
  Ask the students “What do you like to do?” Have the students use the phrases on the blackboard to answer. Then ask somebody to talk something about his or her life.
  3. Reading (Part 3)
  Do a survey in the class. Answer these questions about the school life. Encourage the students to ask their partners.
  (1)How old are you?
  (2)What class are you in?
  (3)What time do you start school?
  (4)How do you go to school?
  (5)How long does the journey take?
  (6)How many students are there in your class?
  (7)How do you like your school?
  (8)What is your favorite lesson?
  Have the students ask and answer in pairs to give out the results of the survey.
  4. Listening(Part 1)
  Ask the students to listen to the tape, and then answer the questions about the dialogue.
  (1) Is Susan in a new school?
  (2) Is the teacher nice?
  (3) How does Susan go to school?
  (4)How long does the journey take?
  Check the answers.
  Play the recording again, have the students read after it. Then ask the students to make up the dialogue like part 1 in pairs. Let them act it out.
  5. Listen and complete (Part 2)
  Sam is a student in America. Listen to Sam and fill in the blanks in the passage.
  Hi! My name is Sam. I’m ____. I go to New York High School. I Really ____ My school. There are 28 students in my _______. My _______ lesson is Science. My Science teacher is Mr. Johnson. He’s a very kind teacher. I take the ______ to school. The journey ____ half an hour. After school, I sometimes _____ basketball with my friends. I ____ basketball!
  Ask the students to read the gapped text. Ask what words they think should go in the gaps. Play the recording and ask the students to listen and follow the text, write the answers. Then check the answers.
  6. Listen and read(Part3)
  T: Our life is colorful and we should make our life rich. Do you think so? OK! You all did very well today. Let’s have a rest to listen to a beautiful song! I think you will like it!
  7. Homework
  Do a survey to write a passage about my friend’s school life.


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