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Unit 7 “Where would you like to visit?”课堂实录:would you like

发布时间:2019-02-07 04:15:27 影响了:

  (本课选自人教版义务教育课程标准实验教科书《英语(新目标)》九年级第7单元。)      一、教学目标      (1)知识与能力:掌握短语thousands of , as soon as possible, so that, according to, quite a few, dream of, be willing to, hold on to , computer programming, achieve one’s dream, provide for
  Step I: warming up
  T: Good morning, class.
  Ss: Good morning, teacher.
  T: Sit down, please. First let’s look at the screen. (课件:嫦娥I号卫星发射过程。)
  T: Are you excited? Are you proud of our country?Our scientists have already sent Chang’e I satellite to circle the moon. Landing on the moon is Chinese people’s dream. Everyone has his dream. Do you want to know my dream?
  Ss: Yes, we do.
  T: I dream of traveling to the moon. Would you like to tell me your dreams?
  Ss: We’d like to.
  S1: I dream of being the first woman astronaut.
  S2: My dream is becoming a famous dancer.
  S3: I wish that I could build the greatest bridge in the world.
  S4: I want to travel to the moon with our teacher.
  T: We have the same dream. I’d love to.
  Step II: presentation
  T:Would you like to know some other teenagers’hopes and dreams? They are on Page 58. First read it quickly. Then answer my question.
  T: What is it about? (给学生充分的表达机会,让学生按照自己的理解轻松地说出自己的收获和体会。)
  S5: It’s about the findings of survey.
  S6: The second paragraph is about teenagers’ hopes. The third and the fourth are about their dreams.
  S7: The last one is about the conclusion.
  T:Boys and girls, now read the paragraphs about hopes and dreams carefully and slowly. Please underline the phrases that you don’t know. You can look them up in a dictionary or ask your classmates for help.(a few minutes later.)
  T: Girls,Who wants to write the phrases in the“hopes” , boys, write the phrases in the “dreams”.
  S8: I want to.
  T: Both of you do good jobs.
  T: What are teenagers’ hopes?
  S9: Some of them want to work as soon as possible.
  S10: Some hope to go to university for further study.
  S11: They want to be computer programmers.
  S12: They want to be volunteers.
  T: And their dreams?
  S13:They would like to be volunteers at the 2008 Olympic.
  S14:Quite a few teenagers dream of going to the moon.
  S15: They dream of becoming famous in the future.
  S16: One of them would love to sail across the Pacific.
  S17: Three students want to fly in the sky.
  ( 学生一边读一边在文中找到相应的答案。在他们自由回答这些问题的同时,老师在屏幕上打出相应的显示,对学生的回答是一份评价和认可。同时也极大地激发了学生学习的积极性。)
  T: Well done. Could you please read it again? Underline the information you think is important for you . What’s the conclusion of this survey?
  Ss:Most students want to have a good education and find a good job.
  Step III:study and find out
  T: Now we know other teenagers’ dreams. Do you want to know the dreams of girls and boys in our class?
  Ss: Yes, of course we do.
  T: Different people have different dreams. Let’s do a survey.
  T: Now let’s talk about the differences between boys and girls.
  S18:Most girls like to be doctors. Boys want to be scientists.
  S19:Only a few girls want to travel to the moon, but no girl has this dream.
  S20:The number of the boys and girls who hope to work as soon as possible is the same.
  S21:Most of the boys dream of sailing across the Pacific to do research work because they suit boys just fine. Boys are cleverer.
  S22: I don’t agree. I think girls do things more carefully. We can do it better.
  T: I’m very glad to hear you talk about them. Dreaming is important, but hold on to it is important.
  Step VI:writing
  Write a report about it as today’s homework.
  T: OK! Every one is good! You all do good jobs today. See you!
  Ss: See you!
  本节课有主、辅两条线。主线是学习词汇知识和指导学生了解一些阅读方法;辅线是创设情境激发学生的学习兴趣。成功之处:1.创设的情境吸引了所有学生的注意力,极大地调动了学生的积极性,激发了他们的求知欲。2. 各教学环节紧凑,过渡语言自然,一气呵成。3. 为学生创设了自主学习、相互交流、调查研究、和谐、轻松的学习氛围。4. 一切以学生为本,以学生会学为目的。不足之处与认识:1.对学生评价性的语言少。2. 如能放手鼓励学生自己设计与他们的生活经历有密切关系的问题,更会激发他们的学习积极性。


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