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发布时间:2019-07-27 09:35:40 影响了:


(1) 召集和主持董事会议,组织讨论和决定公司的发展战略、经营方针、年度计划、财务预算、投资及日常经营工作的重大事项;

(2) 审核公司机构调整和重大管理制度改革方案,提交董事会审核、审批;

(3) 检查董事会议决议的实施情况,并向董事会提出报告;

(4) 提议公司总经理和其它高层人员的聘用、升级、薪酬及解聘,并报董事会批准和备案;

(5) 根据总经理的提议,审核公司中层管理人员和高级技术人员的聘任、薪酬和解聘;

(6) 审核总经理提出的各项发展计划及执行结果;

(7) 对公司总经理和高层人员的工作进行考核和监控;

(8) 定期审阅公司的财务报表和其它重要报表,按规定对公司的重大财务支出和资金事项进行审核、审批;

(9) 签署公司的出资证明书、投资合同书及其它重大合同书、报表与重要文件、资料;

(10) 签署批准公司招、解聘中级管理人员和高级技术人员;

(11) 在日常工作中对公司的重要业务活动给予指导和监控;

(12) 行使法定代表职权;

1. establish and develop an effective Board;

2. lead the Board as a team;

3. plan and manage the Board"s business;

4. establish priorities for the FSA;

5. maintain and develop a productive relationship with the FSA Chief

Executive, for whose recruitment he is responsible;

6. with the Chief Executive, lead the communication of FSA policies with a

wide range of constituencies;

7. represent the FSA on particular national and international financial


8. establish and maintain high level contacts with the most important financial

institutions worldwide;

9. act as an accountability focus for the FSA, chairing its annual public

meeting, giving evidence to select committees, and writing to the

Chancellor (if needed) on the most significant issues arising under the formal exchange of letters of December 2001;

10. represent FSA in the most senior meetings of the Tripartite Standing

Committee, alongside the Chancellor of the Exchequer and the Governor of the Bank of England.


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