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发布时间:2019-07-17 15:25:57 影响了:

龙源期刊网 .cn


作者:熊令 等


摘要: 当前,世界经济取得了高速的发展,综合交通枢纽是各种交通方式和城市两者共同发展到一定阶段的产物,是城市发展的重要门户。综合交通枢纽主要有铁路、公路、城市轨道和机场四类综合交通枢纽,其规划设计要依靠多个部门的共同协作,遵循环保、节约、人性的原则。本文主要通过分析国内外典型的案例,总结出交通枢纽规划设计的原则、理念、经验和一些启示。

Abstract: At present, the world economy has made high-speed development, integrated transport hub is a product which develops to a certain stage for both various modes of transportation and the city, is aslo an important gateway for urban development. Integrated transport hub mainly includes railways, highways, urban rail and airport, its planning and design rely on the

collaboration of multiple departments, follow principles of environmental protection, conservation and humanity. In this paper, through the analysis of domestic and international typical case,

principles , ideas, experience and some inspiration of the planning and design of transportation hub were summed up.

关键词: 国内外综合交通枢纽;规划设计;启示

Key words: domestic and international integrated transportation hub;planning and design;revelation

中图分类号:U115 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-4311(2012)36-0023-02 0 引言


1 国内典型综合交通枢纽介绍


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