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Lesson70“Because it’s there”说课设计及反思|it's over there

发布时间:2019-02-07 04:13:06 影响了:

  Lesson70是人教版初中英语第三册书中的一课。主要是学习一篇阅读文章“Because It’s There”。它是一篇关于人类挑战珠穆朗玛峰攀登极限的文章。课文按时间顺序记叙了历史上几位登山者不屈不饶,勇于探索的经历。包括壮志未酬,献身雪山的乔治•马洛里(George Mallory),如愿以偿登上珠峰的埃得•蒙希拉里(Edmund Hillary)和登•诺尔盖(Tenzing Norgay)。
  1.要掌握基本的单词和短语:British, Mount Qomolangma, misty, mist,wonder, Nepal,try to get to the top of Mount Qomolangma, a few hundred kilometers away from..., disappear into the mist, be the first to do something, I wonder..., It’s (not)known+宾语从句……
  由图片(Mount Qomolangma)引入新课,当学生在屏幕上看到珠穆朗玛峰时,我会问学生:Do you know what mountain it is ? How high is it? 然后接着问更深一点的问题:Who can say something about Mount Qomolangma ? 学生简单地介绍,然后我再补充介绍珠穆朗玛峰,从而导入新课。
  首先问学生是否知道关于George Mallory的事情,大部分学生不太了解,然后我让学生带着问题听课文录音,屏幕会显示学生听完后要回答的几个简单问题:
  1.Is Mount Qomolangma the tallest mountain in the world ?
  2.Is George Mallory a professional mountain climber?
  3.How many times had he tried to reach the top of the mountain ? And did hemake it?
  4.In which year did Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgy finally reach the top of the Mount Qomolangma?
  5.Why did Mallory want to climb the most dangerous mountain in the world?
  6.Do you like to climb mountains?
  7.Do you want to climb Mount Qomolangma in the future? Why?
  8.What spirit do you think you should learn from Mallory?
  学生可以小组讨论后回答这几个问题, 通过学生回答问题8,提出文章的要义:We should learn his spirit of never giving up and his bravery. 同时教师要教育学生遇到困难要勇于面对,敢于挑战自我。最后让学生熟悉课文中的useful expressions,对重点句型进行讲解。
  教学中,我问道:“After learning the text, I believe that you have known something about Mount Qomolangma, but I want to know more about it. Who can tell me?”很多学生拿出了自己查阅的资料,积极发言,其中一位学生是这样陈述的:“In 1953, Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay made history as the first people to reach the top of Everest. Now, 50 years later, three sons of Everest’s most celebrated climbers return to the mountain to challenge it again. More than 1,700 people have tried to get to the top of the Mount Qomolangma since Edmund Hillary and Edmund Hillary reached it successfully in 1953. Unluckily, nearly 200 people have lost their lives. Although it’s very dangerous ,with the development of the modern society, many more people want to challenge themselves to climb it.”她准备得非常充分,语言表达非常流畅,其他学生都为她鼓掌。这样既增强了她学习英语的自信心,同时又鼓舞了其他学生。很多学生都想把自己查到的信息给老师和全班同学展示,收到了良好的效果。这一环节在实现了口语训练目标的同时,又培养了他们敢于发言的精神。
  学习完课文后我问学生:“I’m very glad all of you did very actively in this lesson. Thank you very much. Who can tell us what you have learnt in this class? Or what’s your harvest in this class?” 某个学生回答不完整,我便叫其他学生补充,最后我做了如下总结:
  1.After learning the text, we know some information about Mount Qomolangma.
  We have learnt some useful expressions, such as: try to get to the top of Mount.
  2.Qomolangma, a few hundred kilometers away from…, disappear into the mist, be the first to do something, I wonder…, It’s (not)known+宾语从句…
  3. By learning the text, as students, we should learn from Mallory. When we come across some difficulties, we should learn to face them bravely and be brave to challenge them.
  1. I w whether his father punished him.
  2.There was thick fog. Hed_____________into it after a while.
  3.All the climbers went slowly up tthe top of the mountain.
  4. Mallory wanted to climb the ________(危险) in the world.
  5.It is well kthat Mount Tai is famous in the world.
  二、Fill in the blanks with proper words.
  George Mallory was an English school teacher. He loved_____________ very much. In 1924 he and some other climbers tried to_____________ Mount Qomolangma_____________ is the tallest mountain in the world. On June8,1924, when he and Andrew Irvine were only a few hundred metres from the_____________ of the mountain, the_____________ changed suddenly and became very misty. They soon_____________ in the mist and they would never. Many years, in 1999, Mallory’s body was_____________ about six hundred metres from the top of the mountain. But it is still_____________whether he and Irvine ever_____________the top of the mountain. So the answer to the question of who was the first to reach the top of the mountain is still unknown.
  1. 这节课是本学期复习单元的内容,没有新的语法知识,所以可以摆脱传统的课文教学模式(教新单词――读课文――精讲课文――做课后习题),采用开放式教学,让学生先学会一定的语言知识,然后跳出课本,开放思维,上网查找资料,发挥学生的创造性,锻炼学生的自学能力。
  2. 这节课有效地运用了多媒体信息技术,实现了网络与英语课程的整合,同时,用英语这种语言形式对学生渗透了德育教育。
  3. 我在这节课上时间把握得不是很好,最后学生小测试的时间不够充分,有个别学生没有完成,老师就讲评了。我希望通过不断地摸索,使自己的课堂更加完善。
  总之,要通过教学手段的更新,活跃学生的身心,激发学生的求知欲和兴趣,达到感知――理解――共鸣――吸收的课堂教学效果, 让学生享受英语学习的乐趣,体会成功的喜悦,形成英语教学的良好氛围。 教学过程中,教师是“导演”,一堂课的成功与否,很大程度上取决于教师的组织、引导水平。教师既要对所教学科有深厚的基本功,也要有熟练驾驭课堂的组织才能,让课堂充满“磁性”,力求每一节课都interesting,使学生每天都盼望上这样的课,切实地提高课堂效果。_____________ (作者单位:齐齐哈尔大学)


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