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卡拉・布吕尼 卡拉布吕尼 男友们

发布时间:2019-02-04 03:52:26 影响了:

  You know you are getting old when the President of France is going out with 1)Mick Jagger’s ex-girlfriend. Carla Bruni, the supermodel-turned-pop-singer and lover of, among others, Mick Jagger, 2)Eric Clapton and 3)Donald Trump, is the new woman in the life of Nicolas Sarkozy.
  For once, the world’s media do not have to 4)pussyfoot around the French law which prohibits invasion into people’s private lives. 5)Mme. Bruni has long been listed among the world’s most beautiful women. With what she once called her “kitty eyes” and her high, wide cheekbones, Mme. Bruni is also celebrated for her emotional hand-brake turns. She had an on-off affair with Mick Jagger in her 20s and became famous as part of the first generation of supermodels, which also included Naomi Campbell and Kate Moss. She abandoned modelling in her early 30s to re-invent herself with some success as an international pop star. Along the way, she dated an unlikely crowd of rich and famous men, including the US billionaire Donald Trump, film star Kevin Costner and British rock musician Eric Clapton.
  Mme. Bruni did not appear to care. She had a success of her own to celebrate. Her first album of songs, Quelqu’un M’a Dit (Someone Told Me), appeared in 2003 to cackles of amusement from the French music press. Too insubstantial, they said. Too folk. Too old-fashioned. But the disc gained a word-of-mouth following and became a cult hit with more than two million sales in Europe. One British critic hailed it as “deliciously 6)languorous”.
  Mme. Bruni’s second record, featuring her musical arrangements of the poetry of Emily Dickinson, Dorothy Parker, W. H. Auden and W. B. Yeats, appeared earlier in 2007. She attributes her love of English poetry to the “lessons” from her friend and “professor”, the English singer 7)Marianne Faithfull.
  In an interview with The Independent in May, Mme. Bruni was 8)at pains to point out that she never fitted the public prejudice that supermodels are thick as well as thin. “Even when I was having my hair and make-up done backstage at a fashion show, I would sneak in a copy of Dostoevsky and read it inside a copy of Elle or Vogue,” she said. “But it would be 9)pretentious of me to say I was more intelligent than the other supermodels of that era. I was always just curious about everything.” She also revealed that, as a child, she took part in “sing-a-longs” at her parents’ home with family friends such as 10)Maria Callas and 11)Herbert von Karajan. As a young woman, however, her musical hero was 12)Joe Strummer of The Clash.
  Mme. Bruni is a daughter of one of the wealthiest industrial families of northern Italy, the Bruni Tedeschis. Her sister, Valeria, is an actress and film director. Their grandfather founded Ceat, which became the second-most important Italian rubber company after Pirelli. Her mother, Marysa Borini, was a celebrated concert pianist. Her father, Alberto, sold the family business in the 1970s and moved to France to escape the wave of murders and kidnappings of politicians and industrialists by the 13)Red Brigades terrorist group.
本文为全文原貌 未安装PDF浏览器用户请先下载安装 原版全文   “Music was the most sentimental thing in my parents’ lives,” Mme. Bruni said in another Independent interview in 2004. “Although I was rather indifferent to technique, I definitely absorbed their tremendous passion for it. My mother always said that she could love a man who wasn’t handsome or physically strong, but that she could not love a man who didn’t love music. I agree!”
  Nicolas Sarkozy is known to be a great fan of the 14)perpetual French rocker, 15)Johnny Hallyday. Otherwise, music does not appear to feature greatly in his busy schedule. Explaining her choice of men, Mme. Bruni once said: “Desire is not very precise in my case, so I never choose. The one thing all the men I’ve loved have in common is a strong feminine side. I find feminine men very 16)virile and macho men very fragile. Machismo is a defence mechanism.” Oddly enough, one of
  17)Cecilia Sarkozy’s implied criticisms of her former husband is that he was too driven and lacked a feminine side to his character.
   Mme. Bruni’s friendship with the centre-right President is unlikely in several other respects. She has previously been regarded as leftish in her politics and, before she met him, publicly criticised Mme. Sarkozy’s attempts to crack down on illegal and family immigration to France and select “useful” migrants.
   From the President’s point of view, such a 18)glitzy relationship has advantages and disadvantages. Mme. Bruni’s previous romances do not suggest she will be willing, any more than Cecilia was, to play the role of calm helpmate to his own highly-charged personality. On the other hand, President Sarkozy’s opinion poll ratings are starting to melt. The collapse of his marriage 19)tarnished his all-conquering reputation, especially among French men. A 20)mediagenic love affair with one of the world’s most beautiful women might seem to be not such a bad idea.
   It remains to be seen how long the 21)idyll will last and whether Carla Bruni finds life with the
  22)perpetual motion President as interesting as life with the Rolling Stones. As Mick Jagger’s girlfriend, she would sometimes tour with the band in the early 1990s.
  “It was fun and emotional,” she once told the Italian magazine, XL. “I learnt from all of them, or rather absorbed things. They are special people, these creative types, but they conquered me with the simplicity and discipline with which they work. If I had not learnt anything from them, I would have been no better than a 23)groupie.”
本文为全文原貌 未安装PDF浏览器用户请先下载安装 原版全文   在五月份给英国《独立报》做访谈时,布吕尼女士特地说明,大众对超模充满了偏见,认为她们既愚蠢又浅薄,而这点与她完全不符合。“即便是参加时装秀在后台做头发化妆时,我都会在《世界时装之苑》或《时尚》杂志里偷偷夹一页陀斯妥耶夫斯基的书来阅读,”她说,“但如果说我比那个时代的其他超模要聪明,那就太自命不凡了。我只不过总是对一切事物都抱有好奇心罢了。”她还透露说,在小时候,她就参加过她们家举办的歌唱会,一同来参加的还有她们家族的世交玛莉亚•卡拉斯和赫伯特•冯•卡拉扬。不过在少女时代,她的音乐偶像则是碰撞乐队的乔•斯特拉莫。
  布吕尼女士出身于意大利北部最富有的工业家族之一 ――布吕尼•特德西斯家族。她的姐姐瓦莱丽亚是一名演员和电影导演。她们的祖父创立了西亚特公司,后来成为了意大利仅次于倍耐力的第二大橡胶公司。她的母亲玛莉
  Carla Bruni, the Power of Love in Paris
  By J. Freedom du Lac (Washington Post Staff Writer)
  The title of Carla Bruni¡¯s new album, Comme Si de Rien N¡¯Etait, translates to As if Nothing Happened, which suggests that the foxy(性感的) French-Italian model-turned-singer has at least some semblance of a sense of humor. Much, of course, has happened in her world in the past year, as Bruni in February became Bruni-Sarkozy, the third wife of French President Nicolas Sarkozy and, thus, the first lady of France after a heated romance that had the country all atwitter(兴奋的).
  Comme Si de Rien N¡¯Etait may or may not be a musical documentation of their relationship: Bruni says she wrote most of the album¡¯s originals before she hooked up with Sarkozy, yet the material generally describes a woman who is totally in the tank for a guy whose love is the world¡¯s most powerful narcotic(麻醉剂).
  Indeed, in ¡°Tu Es Ma Came¡± (¡°You Are My Drug¡±), a sexy, swinging song that rides a bluesy acoustic(非电声乐器的) guitar lick and a loping upright bass line, Bruni notes, in French, that Sarkozy¡ªer, the song¡¯s unnamed lover man¡ªis ¡°my drug/More deadly than Afghan heroin/More dangerous than Colombian white.¡± (The lyrics led to a minor international incident when the Colombian foreign minister said he found the line offensive.)
  In the frisky ¡°Ta Tienne¡± (¡°Yours¡±), Bruni declares an end to her promiscuous(杂乱的) ways, singing instead of monogamous devotion: ¡°I who always sought fire/I am burning for you like a pagan(异教徒的) woman/I who made men dance/To you I give myself entirely.¡± In the sweetly infectious(有感染力的) ¡°L¡¯Amoureuse¡±, in which a string quartet gives way to a rhythmic acoustic guitar line, she is simply a ¡°Woman in Love.¡± Bruni, who wrote most of the album¡¯s 14 songs, doesn¡¯t really expect us to think that she¡¯s singing about somebody other than her personal prime minister, does she?
  Central to the appeal of Comme Si de Rien N¡¯Etait is Bruni¡¯s voice, a husky(沙哑的), sensuous purr that drips with intrigue(密语) and just the right amount of vulnerability(脆弱). She¡¯s not a powerhouse singer by any stretch, but she doesn¡¯t need to be, as her breathy voice suits her lithe(柔软的) songs just fine, lending them an appealing intimacy. The gentle instrumentation [woodwinds, mandolin(曼陀林琴), acoustic guitars, strings, brushed drums, upright bass(低音提琴)] frames her singing perfectly, even if the musical end result is occasionally anodyne(平淡的).
  Generally, Bruni¡¯s proffer is chic French pop, the sort of music that one might want to hear while sipping espresso out front of Le Deauville(多维尔餐厅,位于著名的巴黎香榭丽舍大街) while all of Paris passes by.
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