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往事旧书店怎么样 [书店往事(节选)]

发布时间:2019-02-04 03:45:46 影响了:

  When I worked in a second-hand bookshop―so easily pictured, if you don’t work in one, as a kind of paradise where charming old gentlemen browse eternally among 1)calf-bound 2)folios―the thing that chiefly struck me was the rarity of really 3)bookish people. Our shop had an exceptionally interesting stock, yet I doubt whether ten per cent of our customers knew a good book from a bad one. First edition 4)snobs were much commoner than lovers of literature, but oriental students 5)haggling over cheap textbooks were commoner still, and vague-minded women looking for birthday presents for their nephews were commonest of all.
  Many of the people who came to us were of the kind who would be a 6)nuisance anywhere, but have special opportunities in a bookshop. For example, the dear old lady who “wants a book for an 7)invalid” (a very common demand, that), and the other dear old lady who read such a nice book in 1897 and wonders whether you can find her a copy. Unfortunately she doesn’t remember the title or the author’s name or what the book was about, but she does remember that it had a red cover. But apart from these there are two well-known types of 8)pest by whom every second-hand bookshop is9)haunted: One is the 10)decayed person smelling of old bread 11)crusts who comes every day, sometimes several times a day, and tries to sell you worthless books. The other is the person who orders large quantities of books for which he has not the smallest intention of paying. In our shop we sold nothing on credit, but we would put books aside, or order them if necessary, for people who arranged to fetch them away later. Scarcely half the people who ordered books from us ever came back. It used to puzzle me at first. What made them do it? They would come in and demand some rare and expensive book, would make us promise over and over again to keep it for them, and then would vanish never to return. But many of them, of course, were unmistakable 12)paranoiacs. They used to talk in a 13)grandiose manner about themselves and tell the most 14)ingenious stories to explain how they had happened to come out of doors without any money―stories which, in many cases, I am sure they themselves believed. In a town like London there are always plenty of not-quite-15)certifiable 16)lunatics walking the streets, and they tend to 17)gravitate towards bookshops, because a bookshop is one of the few places where you can hang about for a long time without spending any money. In the end, one gets to know these people almost at a glance. For all their big talk there is something 18)moth-eaten and aimless about them. Very often, when we were dealing with an obvious paranoiac, we would put aside the books he asked for and then put them back on the shelves the moment he had gone. None of them, I noticed, ever attempted to take books away without paying for them―merely to order them was enough. It gave them, I suppose, the illusion that they were spending real money.
本文为全文原貌 未安装PDF浏览器用户请先下载安装 原版全文   Like most second-hand bookshops we had various 19)sidelines. We sold second-hand typewriters, for instance, and also stamps―used stamps, I mean. But our principal sideline was a 20)lending library―the usual “two penny no-21)deposit” library of five or six hundred volumes, all fiction.
  Our shop stood exactly on the frontier between 22)Hampstead and 23)Camden Town, and we were 24)frequented by all types, from 25)baronets to bus-conductors. Probably our library subscribers were a fair 26)cross-section of London’s reading public. It is therefore worth noting that of all the authors in our library the one who “went out” the best was―Hemingway? 27)Walpole? No, 28)Ethel M. Dell, with 29)Warwick Deeping a good second and 30)Jeffrey Farnol, I should say, third. Dell’s novels, of course, are read solely by women, but by women of all kinds and ages and not, as one might expect, merely by wistful 31)spinsters and the fat wives of 32)tobacconists. It is not true that men don’t read novels, but it is true that there are whole 33)branches of fiction that they avoid. Men read either the novels it is possible to respect, or detective stories. But their consumption of detective stories is terrific. One of our subscribers, to my knowledge, read four or five detective stories every week for over a year, besides others which he got from another 34)library. What chiefly surprised me was that he never read the same book twice. He took no notice of titles or author’s names, but he could tell by merely glancing into a book whether he had “had it already.”
  In a lending library you see people’s real tastes, not their pretended ones, and one thing that strikes you is how completely the “classical” English novelists have dropped out of favor. It is simply useless to put 35)Thackeray, Jane Austen, etc. into the ordinary lending library; nobody takes them out. At the mere sight of a nineteenth-century novel people say, “Oh, but that’s old!” and 36)shy away immediately. And another―the publishers get into a 37)stew about this every two or three years―is the unpopularity of short stories. The kind of person who asks the librarian to choose a book for him nearly always starts by saying “I don’t want short stories,” or “I do not desire little stories,” as a German customer of ours used to put it. If you ask them why, they sometimes explain that it is too much 38)fag to get used to a new set of characters with every story; they like to “get into” a novel which demands no further thought after the first chapter. I believe, though, that the writers are more to blame here than the readers. The short stories which are stories are popular enough, 39)vide 40)D. H. Lawrence, whose short stories are as popular as his novels.
  There was a time when I really did love books―loved the sight and smell and feel of them, I mean, at least if they were fifty or more years old. Nothing pleased me quite so much as to buy a pile of them for a 41)shilling at a country auction. There is a peculiar flavor about the 42)battered unexpected books you pick up in that kind of collection: 43)minor eighteenth-century poets, out-of-date 44)gazetteers, 45)odd 46)volumes of forgotten novels, 47)bound numbers of ladies’ magazines of the sixties…
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  我们书店正好开在汉普斯特德和卡姆登陶恩两个城区的交界处,经常来租书的顾客上至准男爵,下至公车售票员,形形色色,什么人都有。这些来租书的人可谓是伦敦阅读人群的一个缩影。因而值得留意的是,在我们租书处最受追捧的是谁的作品呢?既不是海明威,也不是沃波尔,而是爱塞 尔・M・黛尔,其次是沃里克・狄平,排在第三位的,大概就是杰弗里・法诺了。黛尔的小说当然只有女性才会捧读,但千万不要以为她的读者只是些愁苦的老姑娘或者卷烟店的胖老板娘,实际上其女性读者形形色色,且年纪长幼不一而足。若说男人不看小说那倒也不尽然,但男人们的确不怎么看某些类型的小说。男性看的都是有可能在交谈时成为炫耀资本的小说,再有就是侦探小说。不过,他们阅读的侦探小说的数量大得吓人。我记得我们店有位常客,有一年多的时间里,他每个星期要看四到五本侦探小说,这还不算他在另一家书店看过的。最让我吃惊的是,同一本小说他从来不会看第二遍。他根本不去留意书名或者作者是谁,但只要翻开哪本书随便扫一眼,他就能告诉你这本书他是不是“已经看过了”。
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