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那不勒斯:这里曾有女妖出没 那不勒斯

发布时间:2019-02-04 03:48:32 影响了:

  As you round Punta Campanella at the southern tip of the 2)Gulf of Naples―with the isle of Capri 3)looming large in the water to your right just across the strait―you enter the 4)Gulf of Salerno and a 5)stretch of coast and sea known to the ancient Greeks as the “Land of the Sirens.” The area is rich in folklore surrounding a myriad of mysterious creatures.
  Modern descriptions of these6)fabled creatures contribute to the general confusion. Most depictions, including various images in Naples showing Parthenope (the siren for whom the ancient city―before Naples―in this area was named), show them to be 7)mermaids. Actually, ancient descriptions describe them as having bodies of a bird and beautiful human heads.
  Their images are frequently found on ancient Greek tombs, suggesting that they might have been funerary 8)divinities (perhaps similar to the human-headed hawk in Egyptian mythology, who 9)incarnated the souls of the dead). Little of any of that remains, however; today, they have come down to us as 10)voluptuous mermaids who made beautiful music to lure passing sailors to their doom. Even the numbers and names of the sirens are not consistent in accounts from classical mythology. There may have two, three, or even as many as nine. By most accounts, local waters harbored three: Parthenope (“virgin”), Leucosia (“white goddess”), and Ligeia (“bright-voiced”); one of them played the lyre, another sang, and another played the flute. The most famous siren story is the one in the 11)Odyssey, where 12)Ulysses has himself 13)lashed to the 14)mast in order to resist their “siren song.”
  There is, however, a more relevant episode, one that “explains” the existence of the three islands along the coast, today called Li Galli islands, but originally called Sirenuse―land of the sirens. 15)Jason and the 16)Argonauts, too, sailed along this coast and were tempted by the sirens. The Argonauts, however, were accompanied by Orpheus, the greatest musician in Greek mythology. Orpheus outplayed and outsang the sirens and dispelled their powers, at which point they either were transformed into the three small islands on the coast, or threw themselves into the sea, washing up on nearby shores: Parthenope at the isle of Megaride in Naples, where the Egg Castle now stands, thus giving her name to the original city; Leucosia, farther south (Punta Licosa is the tip of the southern end of the Gulf of Salerno); and the siren Ligeia still farther south along the 17)Calabrian coast near what is, today, 18)Lamezia Terme.
  An account of the episode, with 19)scholarly notes and references, may be found in The Greek Myths, which also notes that the sirens had been 20)banished to those rocks in the first place for having lost an earlier battle of the bands to the21)Muses! No one can explain how Ulysses could have been tempted by sirens who apparently went out of existence when Jason sailed by many years earlier! They may have resorted to replacement sirens―second 22)stringers, if you will. There must be a message in there somewhere.
  Less mythologically, the 23)archipelago consists of three small islands, 1.5 miles off the coast, 3.5 miles southwest of the town of24)Positano. Today, all three of the islands―Gallo Lungo, La Castelluccia, and La Rotonda―are part of a protected marine national preserve. There is also a fourth small island, Isca, much closer to the shore, as well as another prominent, smaller rock sticking up out of the water between Li Galli and Isca, called Vetara.
  Both Gallo Lungo and Isca have structures on them and this has caused some modern confusion, as well, as to who owned what, when. There are some Roman fragments on Gallo Lungo, but the first modern construction on the island consists of a large villa and secondary building, built in the 1930s by the Russian 25)choreographer and dancer 26)Leonid Massine (1896-1979). That property later passed to another Russian dancer 27)Rudolf Nuryev (1938-1993), who apparently wanted to set up a dance academy on the premises, an idea that did not come to28)fruition. Isca has a lovely villa and garden on the side facing the cliff (and, thus, not visible if you sail behind the island, as most do). It was the property at one time of the great Neapolitan playwright, 29)Eduardo De Filippo (1900-1984) and is described in a delightful volume entitled, In mezzo al mare un’isola c’è... (There is an island in the sea…) by the playwright’s wife, Isabella.
  In any event, the coast from Punta della Campanella all the way past siren country and on to the modern city of Salerno is of great beauty. Places such as Positano and 30)Amalfi dot the shore below high cliffs along which, alas, far too many post-siren seekers after paradise have decided to build too many houses.
  不过,倒是有一个听起来更靠谱的故事,它“解释”了沿岸三个岛屿存在的原因。今天,这三个岛统称里戈利(音译),但最初它们叫塞壬那斯(音译),那是“塞壬之地”的意思。伊阿宋和一众亚尔古英雄也曾航行到此,同样受到众塞壬的引诱。但陪伴众亚尔古英雄的是古希腊神话中最杰出的音乐家俄耳甫斯。无论是音乐演奏还是歌唱方面,俄耳甫斯都胜于塞壬,于是他解除了她们的魔力。于是,她们摇身变成了海岸边的三个小岛;或者说她们纵身跳入大海,被冲到了附近的岸边:帕耳忒诺珀到了那不勒斯的马家里德,也就是现在“蛋城堡”耸立的地方,那不勒斯城的原名就源自她的名字;而路科西亚到了更南的地方(利科萨角正是在萨莱诺湾的最南角);塞壬利盖娅则到了比利科萨角还要远的南 边――卡拉布里亚海岸,靠近今天的拉默齐亚。
  而与神话没有太大关系的是,这个群岛由三个小岛组成,离海岸一英里半,距离波西塔诺镇西南方三英里半。今天,这三个小岛――盖洛・伦戈(音译)、拉・卡斯特卢西亚(音译)和 拉・罗通达(音译)――是意大利国家海洋保护区的一部分。另外,还有第四个小岛,叫艾斯卡,它离岸边近多了。除了这四个小岛,还有一块小一些,但很显眼的大石屹立在里戈利与艾斯卡之间的水域,它叫维塔拉(音译)。


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