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发布时间:2019-02-04 03:53:40 影响了:

  一直都对北欧怀有莫名的好感,在众神之王奥丁治理下的这片冰雪王国,从自然到城市、从音乐到建筑,无一不充满了神奇而瑰丽的想象,闪耀着别样的光芒。   相信大凡读过塞尔玛・拉格洛芙的《尼尔斯骑鹅历险记》的人,一定会对她笔下美丽的瑞典印象深刻,这部奇特的作品也是诺贝尔文学奖上惟一一部入选的童话作品。信步于斯德哥尔摩街头,原来童话即是现实,没有紧张,没有烦恼,连时间都慵懒了起来,这才是生活的真谛……
  There’s no better 1)hub for exploring Scandinavia than the beautiful “Venice of the North,” Sweden’s capital, Stockholm.
  From the cultured capital to the wild mountai-nous north, Sweden holds fascination for the arts and history 2)buff and the fan of outdoors’ activities alike. The country’s mountains begin in 3)Dalarna with gentle slopes that build up to a 1,900-kilometer (1,140 miles) chain 4)culminating in the magnificent snow-covered peaks of the far north. The
  5)Lapps who live here off fishing and 6)reindeer herding have done an admirable job of retaining their distinctive culture.
  But, unlike North America, in Sweden you don’t have to go to the remote north to encounter fresh air and pure water. In fact, in downtown Stockholm the water is so clean you can swim and fish right off the major 7)thoroughfares. One of the most popular spots for fishing is outside the royal palace. Here salmon and 8)sea trout are caught on their migration from the 9)Baltic to 10)Lake Malaren. Among the more humble species to be hooked are 11)perch,
  12)pike, 13)zander and Baltic 14)herring.
  The city of Stockholm was founded in the 13th century on an island where Lake Malaren flows out into the Baltic. As time passed the inhabitants spread out across the neighboring islands and mainland to the north and south. The current population of greater Stockholm is 1.7 million, with about 700,000 living within the city limits.
  Stockholm is beautifully situated on 14 islands separated by wide bays, broad channels and narrow waterways. Surrounded by unspoiled countryside, the city is also peppered with lovely parks. In the heart of the capital the contrast between old and new is striking: an 15)ultra modern city center 16)adjacent to the cobbled alleys and medieval buildings of
  17)Gamla Stan (Old Town).
  Visitors to Stockholm are strongly recommended to purchase a Stockholm Card. The card gives you free entry to 75 museums and attractions, free travel by public transport, free sightseeing by boat as well as several other bonus offers. You decide whether you want a card that is valid for 24, 48 or 72 hours. The card will not be valid until it is stamped with the time and date the first time you use it. Two child cards can be purchased per adult card. The card is valid once per attraction and entitles you to unlimited
  travel by metro, bus and 18)commuter train.
  Stockholm’s 19)Viking heritage may be enjoyed by taking a boat trip to see the remains of the old capital at 20)Birka and the 1,000-year-old town of
  21)Sigtuna. 22)Medieval Stockholm can be experienced by visiting the Medieval Museum or by merely strolling through Gamla Stan, where many of the churches and other buildings date back 800 years or more.
  The Swedish royal family is very popular with the people. The Royal Palace in Stockholm is the largest in Europe still in use and the royal family lives in the 18th-century palace at 23)Drottningholm with its world famous theatre.
本文为全文原貌 未安装PDF浏览器用户请先下载安装 原版全文   Stockholm is also a city of the sea, located as it is on the edge of the world’s largest 24)archipelago of more than 25,000 islands. Take a lazy cruise on one of the seven genuine stea-mers still in use. In service for a century, these old character ships have been beautifully restored to maintain their
  25)Edwardian ambience. All the steamers boast first class restaurants in which you can enjoy lunch or dinner.
  Water is a dominant element in the life of Swedes. In Stockholm, the “Venice of the North,” water adds immeasurably to the charm of this already captivating city. As Sweden’s international tennis champion, 26)Bjorn Borg puts it: “Sweden is surrounded by water and even away from the coast our lakes and rivers are the dominant feature of the landscape. I live outside Stockholm and some days I take my boat into the city when I have a business appointment. I 27)get a tremendous kick out of that. Who wouldn’t?”
  Who indeed!
  小链接: 塞尔玛・拉格洛芙和《尼尔斯骑鹅历险记》
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