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on The go_The,Study,on,Agricultural,Science,&Technology,Journal,Publication,and,Distribution

发布时间:2019-07-20 03:48:18 影响了:

  Abstract: Through to the China""s agricultural science and technology journal the issuance of the analysis of the current situation of agriculture, and that the periodical circulation of science and technology in the various factors, put forward the stable And improve circulation, creating and expand brand journal is to promote the current issue of the journal of agricultural science and technology work focus and key. Finally, strengthen the propaganda, perfect the mechanism from and improve the quality Quantity, keep low price and so on four aspects was put forward in agricultural science and technology journal distribution work suggestions.
  Key words: Agricultural science and technology journal, distribution channels, publication
  1 Introduction
  Issue is published in journal editing one of the important links, and agriculture. The important link of the science and technology information transmission, in the current market economy condition, to join WTO and new rural construction to the development of agricultural science and technology journal has brought new opportunities And challenges, how to agricultural science and technology journal bigger and stronger, how to better and faster New agriculture science and technology knowledge and agriculture science and technology information transmitted to the farmers Hand, to study and solve the current agricultural science and technology journal publication problems have each moment let the delay.
  2 Agricultural science and technology journal issue of the status quo
  With the increasingly fierce market competition journal, agricultural science and technology journal publication not optimistic about, our country agricultural science &technology periodical circulation dwindling, this already is the fact that does not dispute. Low agricultural science and technology journal circulation of both academic strong, similar journals such as more objective reasons also had with agricultural science and technology journal publication content relevant subjective factors.
  2.1 Distribution channels relative single, still no development and form a sound stereo distribution channels
  At present, our country agriculture science and technology journal mostly with the post office issued to give priority to still self-issue. The issue of either way, mostly heavy subscriptions, light retail, and propaganda way relatively single, not in good coverage due to read the group, increased the journal and readers in the market in the distance and the difficulty for each other, and to some extent restricted the journal circulation. Especially in the current digital and network published under the trend of backlash, if can""t do fast development and form by newspapers board, agents, network distribution, retailers, etc complementary stereo distribution channels, then to future agricultural science &technology journal development will be very harmful.


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