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[用最简单的英语告诉你什么是爱]什么是爱 英语

发布时间:2019-07-19 10:27:58 影响了:

漫画家Andrew Hou用了6年时间把自己对爱的感受全部画了下来。他用自己妻子姓名的缩写命名了这个系列的作品:HJ-Series,作为送给妻子一生的礼物:

1. 爱是接受彼此的差异 (Love is accepting differences)

2. 爱是“无论你如何改变,我都一样爱你” (Love is loving you no matter how you change)

3. 爱是“即使你做一些简单日常的小事,我也觉得很美” (Love is thinking you are beautiful doing the simplest things.)

4. 爱是“一起做喜欢做的事” (Love is doing the things we love together)

5. 爱是“为你留最后一口” (Love is saving the last for you)

6. 爱是“无论什么,都把你摆在第一位” (Love is putting you first no matter what)

7. 爱是“和你在一起,什么也不担心” (Love is not worrying about a thing when I"m with you)

8. 爱是“和你一起慢慢变老” (Love is growing old with you)

9. 爱是“为你跨越距离” (Love is travelling the distance for you)

10. 爱是“绝不让你独自承受” (Love is not having to suffer alone)

11. 爱是“学着喜欢你喜欢的事” (Love is learning to love what you love)

12. 爱是“回忆的累积” (Love is memories)

13. 爱是“和你谈论一切” (Love is talking about everything with you)

14. 爱是“抱着你是这个世界上最好的事” (Love is cuddling you is the best thing in the world)

15. 爱是“去哪儿都带着你” (Love is pinging you everywhere)

16. 爱是“生病时对我的照顾” (Love is taking care of me when I"m sick)

17. 爱是“只要是你做的,我都喜欢吃” (Love is loving any food you make)

18. 爱是“和朋友玩得很开心,但是也会想你” (Love is having fun with friends but missing you)

19. 爱是“耐心” (Love is patience)

20. 爱是“永远” (Love is forever)

21. 爱是“牺牲” (Love is sacrifice)

22. 爱是“让你先享受幸福和快乐” (Love is when your happiness comes first)

23. 爱是“冒险” (Love is taking risks)

24. 爱是“对你手足无措” (Love is not knowing what to do)

25. 爱是“适应彼此的生活方式” (Love is adapting to each other"s lifestyle)

26. 爱是“只要看见你开心幸福就好,即便和我无关” (Love is seeing you happy even if I might not be part of it)

27. 爱是“自己躺一天很浪费时间,但是跟你一起躺一天就好棒” (Love is lying here all day, time wasted; lying here all day with you, awesome.)

28. 爱是“和你一起打游戏” (Love is playing game with you)

29. 爱是“和你一起克服困难” (Love is overcoming obstacles together)

30. 爱是“需要帮助时第一个想到的人是你” (Love is the 1st person you think of in times of need)

31. 爱是“和你在一起是会变蠢” (Love is being silly when I"m with you)

32. 爱是“惊喜,无论年龄” (Love is never too old for surprises)

33. 爱是“和你共同勾画未来” (Love is building a future together)

34. 爱很复杂 (Love is complicated)

35. 这就是爱 (Love is ...)















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