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【2016夏令营闭幕式主持词-教师】 夏令营闭幕式发言

发布时间:2019-07-18 09:21:47 影响了:

2016年快乐暑期夏令营闭营典礼 程序

The Closing Ceremony of 2016 Happy English Summer Camp


1. Ladies and Gentlemen, distinguished leaders, parents, teachers and our dear students. Good afternoon!


I ’m 刘文明,Director of the Teaching Group of the 2016 summer camp, and i’m honored to be your host this afternoon.

2. Today, we ’re gathered here to witness the closing ceremony of the 2016 Happy English Summer Camp. Firstly, please allow me to introduce our honorable leaders and guests present here today: 今天,2016年快乐英语夏令营在这里闭营。出席今天闭营典礼的领导和嘉宾有:

Chief Executive of the 2016 Happy English Summer Camp, Vice-Dean of the College of continuing education, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Mr. Renyuezhong;


Director of the Students’ Working Group, Ms Xiaolifang;



3. Now ladies and Gentlemen, please rise for the National Anthem of the People ’s Republic of China. 全体起立,奏唱国歌。

4. Please be seated. 请坐下。

5. While we look forward to enjoying the great performance prepared by both our teachers and students here, we’re more eager to find out the students ’ progress here. Indeed, the past 15 days not only have we seen them learning English with the new teachers and friends here, we ’re also comforted to see them washing clothes, making beds, helping each other, and taking care of themselves independently.

Now, we’d like to invite all the parents here to watch a short video reflecting the details of our camp life here.


6. Let ’s warmly welcome Chief Executive of the 2016 Summer camp, Mr. Renyuezhong, to give us an address


7. Let ’s welcome representative of our international teachers, Casey to give us a short speech. 有请外教Casey 上台发言。

8. We also want to hear a voice from the students. Now I ‘d like to invite representative of our students, 蔡睿思 to share with us her feelings about the summer camp.


9. Now let’s invite Ms. 肖丽芳 to announce the awards.


10. T hank you. Now let ’s invite our international teachers to award the prizes to the outstanding class leaders and the excellent correspondents. 恭喜以上获奖同学。优秀学员的颁奖典礼已在各班完成。现在有请外教为我们颁发优秀班干部及优秀通讯员奖项。

有请小学部优秀班干部上台。有请Bim 上台颁奖。

有请小学部优秀通讯员上台,有请Danice 上台颁奖

有请中学部优秀班干部上台。有Edward 和 Alex 上台颁奖。 有请中学部优秀通讯员上台,有请Alex 上台颁奖

11. Next we’d like to invite the parents and guests to enjoy the show. I can ’t wait to give the stage to our little hosts.



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