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发布时间:2019-07-13 03:49:06 影响了:

  吃腻了泰国青咖喱和日本照烧酱?不妨跟我们开始一趟“美食”之旅,看看世界各地厨房最奇异的出品有多“诡异”。鉴于各人口味不同,本菜单排名不分先后。  榴莲(东南亚) Durian (South East Asia)
  Durian are large, green-yellow fruit with a spiky[有钉的] shell and soft interior.
  Banned in hotels and on public transport throughout the region, the stink[臭味] of a ripe durian does nothing to stop devotees[热爱者] of this “king of fruits.”
  Perplexed[困惑] foreigners often speak a little plainer. Chef Anthony Bourdain once said: “Afterwards, your breath will smell like you’ve been French kissing your dead grandmother.” Best eaten alone then.
  豚鼠(秘鲁) Guinea Pig (Peru)
  In Peru, guinea pig is top of the menu.
  Tasting a bit like rabbit, the cuddly[令人想拥抱的] creatures are usually served with head and legs attached. There’s not much meat on them, but enterprising[有进取心的] Peruvian scientists are working on breeding bigger ones-perfect for family Sunday lunch.
  狼蛛(柬埔寨) Tarantulas (Cambodia)
  The Cambodian market town of Skuon is the centre of the country’s tarantula trade.
  The furry spiders, sold at the roadside, are fried with garlic[大蒜] and eaten as a snack. The crispy exterior[外部] and soft inside provide a fine textural contrast. Locals praise the medicinal benefits of spider flesh, but only real fans will eat the abdomen[腹部]-a bulbous[球根状的] cavity[腔] stuffed with eggs, excrement[排泄物] and internal organs.
  河豚(日本) Fugu (Japan)
  What may be a rare delicacy[佳肴] to one man can be many trips to the bathroom for another, but seldom do foreign foodstuffs send diners to the morgue[太平间]. In Japan, things are different.
  Fugu are toxic[有毒的] fish that need to be carefully prepared to remove potentially deadly internal organs.
  A rich source of tetrodotoxin[河豚毒素], a potent[强有力的] neurotoxin[神经毒素] with no known antidote[解毒剂], the fish are served in licensed[得到许可的] restaurant and cooked by specially trained chefs.
  Strict guidelines ensure diners rarely keel over[倾覆,翻身] (though a number perish[死亡] each year), but the frisson[颤抖] of danger still excites those brave enough to order the poisonous fish.


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