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[展馆参观解说词中英对照] 展馆解说词

发布时间:2019-07-23 09:38:10 影响了:


现在您即将进入“历史区”。在这里,您将详细了解到开发区的发展历程。右手边是“发展速度板”,那些不断变换的数字会告诉您开发区在短短的20几年间发生了怎样翻天覆地的变化,内容包括: GDP (亿元)、工业总产值(亿元)、出口创汇(亿美元)、外商投资项目数(个)、外商投资实际使用外资(亿美元)、财政总收入(万元)、基础设施及公共服务设施投资(万元)、土地出让(公顷)、年末总人口,从发展速度板上我们可以看到,发展速度最快的是出口创汇、工业总产值和GDP ,而增长最慢的是人口,其中GDP 在1984年建区之初只有0.36亿元,到2006年的时候达到了562.5亿元。

Now you are entering the “History Section”. Here you will understand every detail of the development of the zone. On the right side is the “Development Pace Board”. Those changing figures will tell you about the huge changes that have taken place in the development zone in a short span of two decades, concerning: GDP (hundred million Yuan), gross industrial output value (hundred million Yuan),

foreign exchange earnings by export (hundred million US dollars), number of foreign-invested projects, actual amount of foreign investment utilized (hundred million US dollars), total financial revenue (ten thousand Yuan), investment in infrastructure and public facilities (ten thousand Yuan), area of land transferred (hectares) and total population at the year end. According to the figures shown on the Development Pace Board, we can see that the foreign exchange earnings by export, gross industrial output value and GDP have witnessed the fastest growth, while the population the slowest. Among them, GDP grew to 56.25 billion Yuan in 2006 from only 36 million Yuan in 1984 when the

development zone was just set up.

我们的左手边是“大事链墙”,记述的是开发区从建区后每一年发生过的一些重大事件。 On our left side is the “Wall of Chronicle of Major Events”, which lists some of the annual major events in the development zone ever since its establishment.

我们迎面看到的“拓荒牛”雕塑由96只组成,“拓荒牛”是大连开发区早期建设者的象征和真实写照。 1994年10月大连市委、市政府为表彰在开发区建设中做出突出贡献的各界先进人物,决定授予他们“大连开发区十年建设“老开发”荣誉称号“并向他们颁发铜牛雕塑。拓荒牛是开发区的“纪念碑”,是开发区凝固的历史。透过历史,我们可以看到未来的发展。您现在所在的这个展区内墙上的壁纸和地上的投影,是大连开发区的第一份报纸,于1990年8月27日正式出版发行。在您身后投影正在播放的是开发区同一地点不同年份拍摄的新旧对比照片,这些照片无声的诉说着沧海桑田的巨变。在这里您可以看到开发区的原始地貌和现在成熟期的开发区、建成前和建成后的银帆宾馆、铜牛岭的新旧貌等十余副对比照片。在您转身左手边的五台电脑触摸屏是我们的“电子档案台”。

The “Pioneer Cattle” sculpture head-on consists of 96 cattle. “Pioneer Cattle” is the symbol and true portrayal of early workers in Dalian Development Zone. In October 1994, to commend the leading figures that had made outstanding contributions to the construction of the development zone, Dalian City Committee and Government decided to award them the honorary titles of “Senior Pioneers in the Decade-long Development of Dalian Development Zone” and also the copper cattle sculptures. The pioneer cattle is the monument of the development zone and a concretionary historic symbol. Based on the history, we can look into the future development. The wallpaper and projection on the ground in the

exhibition section where you are now displays the first newspaper of Dalian Development Zone. The newspaper was published on August 27th , 1990. Behind you, the projector is showing old and new photos of the same places in the development zone in different years. These photos are voiceless

narrators of the great changes that have occurred in the development zone. Here you may take a look at the old and new photos of the development zone during its original and established period, Inn Fine Hotel before and after the completion and Copper Cattle Mountain in the past and at present etc. Turn around and the five touch screen computers on the left side are our “Electronic File Search Platforms”.


This is the Electronic File Hall, where important files and documents of the development zone in past years are on show. Click the floating years to display relevant laws and regulations. It is a showcase of governmental decisions to the public and also a publicity platform of governmental affairs. On your right hand is the “Old Film Showroom”. Some of the early videotapes of the development zone are being played on the four televisions sets. The first television shows the foundation ceremony of Jinshi Beach, foundation ceremony of the development zone, foundation ceremony of eastward rolling of the development zone, and site selection for the development zone by vice premiers Wan Li, Li Peng and Gu Mu. The four films are played circularly. The second television shows the site selection for the development zone by vice premiers Wan Li, Li Peng and Gu Mu and an inspection by Hu Jintao to Dalian Development Zone. The two films are played circularly. The third television plays the past publicity films of the development zone for investment attraction. The last one plays the special interviews of foreigners working in the development zone, especially Mr. Nishimula Shoji, General Manager of Mabuchi Motor Dalian Co., Ltd. (Though the four films are played at the same time, their sound will not get mixed, thanks to our adoption of the new U.S. technology—directional sound box making directional sound).

在您左手边有一个 “历史抽屉”,每个抽屉都珍藏着一张图片,打开一个个抽屉,您会看到历史上的大连开发区、改革开放初期的大连开发区、集中建设期的大连开发区、成熟发展期的大连开发区和未来的大连开发区。第一个抽屉是1566年明代时手绘的金州地图,现在的大连开发区当时是金州的一部分。这有一台电视正在放映的是“历史照片”她们会告诉您开发区从前是怎样的面貌,在这块土地上又发生了怎样的故事。在您的前方是“互动报纸”,您只需轻轻挥一挥手她就会自动为您翻页,就像平时翻阅报纸一样。报纸的内容是大连开发区报历年的重要新闻摘要。现在您可以向右边转身进入我们的“城市印象”。

On your left hand is the “History Drawer”. In every drawer there is a picture. If you open all the drawers, you will see Dalian Development Zone in the history, in early years of China’s reform and opening-up, in the centralized construction period, in the established period and in the future. In the first drawer is a map of Jinzhou drawn by hand in 1566 in the Ming Dynasty (1368—1644), when the

present site of Dalian Development Zone was part of Jinzhou. At this time, one television is showing “Old Photos”, which would tell you what the development zone looked like in the past and what stories there used to be on the land. In the front, you could see the “Interactive Newspaper”. Wave your hand slightly and the newspaper would automatically turn pages for you, just as we turn over newspapers ordinarily. In the newspaper are important headlines from Dalian Development Zone newspapers of past years. Now you may turn right into our “City Image”.


Here is “City Image”, the 24-hour image video-recorded of Dalian Development Zone. From the

perspective of an ordinary person, the scenes of ordinary people working, living, resting and playing in the development zone are shown in the original form. The innermost videotape lasts for about 90 minutes; the one in the middle is a simplified version, with duration of about 8 minutes; and the last one is touchable, on which you may select different sections of time and watch corresponding video clips. Please go on to turn right, into our “Past Planning Section”.



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