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发布时间:2019-02-04 03:53:15 影响了:

  Q: What are the things cross your mind when think of China/Chinese? (such as things you most exposed to in daily life.)
  Shannon: Emmm, Dragon! And Chinese red. Stuff that breakable, and old like china. Also, these large population in China and the powerful industry. You know everything is made in China now.
  Q: Can you name a few channels you get information on China? (Movie, Newspaper, etc.)
  Shannon: Generally, Economist, New York Times, CNN, BBC. But from what I know, people don’t really TALK about China yet.
  Q: And what impression you have on China/Chinese culture based on these information?
  Shannon: I always imagine there are millions of big trucks running on the streets of China, symbolizing the fast growing economy. And recently the news are basically about environmental pollution and toys 1)contamination in China, and I guess people are very influenced by these coverage. Media objectivity? Unsure about it. There are lots of conspiracy theories about our media anyway, like 2)Murdoch.^_^
  Q: How do you imagine the life in China?
  Shannon: I think everything could be purchased in China because everything is made there. And also, I think there are less extreme social classes there, only peasantry class and professional class. Not like here, if you are a middle class and you lose your job and house, you could become a homeless in one week.
  Q: Please give a few words to describe your perception of China as a world power.
  Shannon: I think China is leaded by a very competitive and global oriented government, and it is gaining more and more respect and attention now, which is a good thing, because people care when they feel something is powerful. For me, I would like to know more information about China if I get the chance.
  Q: Hey Brian, I heard you were planning a trip to Beijing in August. I know that you had been to Tokyo before. Do you expect Beijing to be different?
  Brian: I would expect myself to be totally Lost in Translation,
  3)lol. When I was in Tokyo that’s exactly I how I felt, even though I learned a little Japanese beforehand. There had been myths about Beijing, the political ones and cultural ones, I know it is a city with long history compared to other
本文为全文原貌 未安装PDF浏览器用户请先下载安装 原版全文   capitals of the world, and Beijing is however younger than the inner capital of the older dynasties. I’ve learned that it is build on purpose to serve as political centre, isn’t it? So history is not the very key point of Beijing. During dynasty rule, the scholars will march to the capital to serve for the emperor. Going to Beijing for them means approaching the heart of the emperor’s regime. If they want anything, fame, wealth, recognition, you name it, they have to go to Beijing to pledge from the emperors.
  And in the world history, no countries had been under such a long and well maintained dynasty rule as China. Therefore, the city of Beijing had been the symbol of rulership, even during foreign invasion and civil wars of the early 20th century, the occupation of Beijing represents the legitimacy of governing. Let’s just say, people come and go, but Beijing is and always will be there. This is the feeling you can’t get in Washington or London, even in Tokyo. The road of modern Beijing is even planned around the old palace in the center, how amazing!
  Q: Beside the Olympic Games, what exactly you want to see in Beijing then?
  Brian: I want to see the old part of the town where the essence of Beijing is best preserved. I also want to go to the 4)adjacent country side if my schedule allows.
  Q: Hehe, you know we Chinese always have problems for westerners’ intention to see the less developed side of China, like movies depict China as poor and 5)barbaric, and the news on your media are always about pollution and peasants. It will be great if you answer this question: why don’t you want to see the modern China? Would it be nice if you see the modern Chinese in our movies but not the ones flying or wearing 6)cheongsam?
  Brian: let me split your questions, because movie versus culture presentation are different issues. I can’t speak for the majority of the wes-terners, but for me, the modernization itself pretty much means westernization, that’s why I wanted to go places where less westernized Chinese live to interact with them. Even though I don’t speak Chinese, I can observe how they live. The point of going to the other culture is to get yourself culturally shocked, do you agree? I remember you said that the first few months in New York, you were a little disappointed because you were not as shocked as you imagine yourself to be. Why’s that? Because you had been living in a modernized city of China for so long, that you can’t feel much difference of the modernization here in New York. If you want to experience the real America, I will suggest you go to the mid west.
  Q: I did get shocked here when everyone is trying to kiss every one. But I get your point.
  Brian: What I am trying to say here is that you should get confident about who you are. I mean modernization is good, we get better education, medication, skyscrapers and cars. But if moderni-zation means unification then we have to make serious thinking on holding our roots. The US has less concern of that because the US is a big melting pot, or salad bowl, then we don’t really have our own roots. So modernization is good for the US because we get people from all over the world coming here so even a little bit of contribution from their culture will make a big pie for us. But you guys are different; if you lose who you were then it would be lost forever. And what you are going to replace with the lost identity?
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  答:我想我会完全地“迷失北京”(编者注:这里套用影片Lost in Translation《迷失东京》的片名,指代“只能意会不能言传的感觉”)吧,呵呵。我在东京的时候就有这种感觉,尽管事先学了一些日语。对于北京,之前存在着不少迷思,有政治方面的,也有文化方面的。现在我知道,这个城市的历史比世界上其他的首都都要悠久,但比起在内地的古都又要年轻些。我听说北京就是为了成为政治中心而建城的,对吧?所以,历史并不是北京最为关键的一点。在王朝统治期间,书生学士都会跋涉进京去效力皇帝。对他们来说,到北京去意味着接近皇权统治的中心。想要获取什么,名、利、赏识或任何东西,他们都必须到北京去从皇帝那里获得。
  答:其实我这里要表达的意思就是你们应该对自己的身份感到自信。我是说,现代化很好,我们可以有更好的教育、医疗、摩天大楼和汽车。但是,如果现代化意味着千篇一律的样式,我们就得认真地考虑该怎样保住我们的根。美国这方面的顾虑少一些,因为美国是个大熔炉,或者说沙拉碗(编者注:在英语中常用“melting pot”和“salad bowl”来指代各族裔融合在一起的美国),从真正意义上说我们并没有根。所以现代化对美国是件好事,因为来自世界各地的移民汇聚到我们这里,哪怕他们只是贡献出一点点自己的文化,也足以做成我们的文化大馅饼。但是你们中国人不同,如果你们丧失了自己的文化本源,那么它就会永远地消失。那么你们要拿什么来取代那失去的身份呢?
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