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教学主体和主导的关系 高中英语阅读教学的主体与主导

发布时间:2019-01-26 04:13:31 影响了:

  笔者于5月14日赴杭州参加了由华东师大科教合作研究中心主办、浙江省杭州二中承办的“聚焦课堂――名校名师课堂教学展示活动”。笔者所展示的课例是人教课标版高中英语必修3,Unit 5的第一课时A Trip on“The True North”的教学内容,课后得到了近百名与会同行一定的认可和指正。现将本课主要环节呈现如下:
  T: Well,first of all,let us do a revision of describing some people. You are going to look at two different pictures about different people. Try to use some sentences on the screen to say what you see. Now,is that clear? Right,let"s do it.
  S1: I think he is Da Shan,a TV presenter or a Xiangsheng artist.
  The reason why he is well-known is that he can speak very good Chinese and he often introduces us to foreign cultures.
  As for the third question,I guess/believe/think that he comes from Canada.
  S2: The couple in the picture are ShengXue and Zhao Hongbo. They are both figure-skate athletes.
  They become well-known for winning the gold medal in figure skating in 2010 Winter Olympic Games.
  As we all know,they achieved their dream in Vancouver,Canada.
  T:Good,in both pictures,you mentioned the same country. What is it?
  T:Bingo! You got it. It"s Canada. That"s the country we are going to learn about today. We want to know about its location,its scenery,climate,some big cities as well as its national animals and plants.
  T: Alright. You just give your first impression of Canada. Now,let"s listen to a short passage,let"s see what a foreigner thinks about Canada. Try to catch some important details for the following exercises. OK,let"s have a go.
  (1)Is Canada the largest country in the world?
  If not,give the right answer.
  (2)What language (s) do Canadians speak?
  A. English. B. English and German.
  C. English and French.D. English and Spanish.
  (3)What is the national animal of Canada?
  A. Beaver.B. Grizzly bear. C. Polar bear. D. Penguin.
  (4)Which is the national flag of Canada?
  A. B. C. D.
  (5)How many Great Lakes are there in Canada?
  A. 4. B. 3. C. 5. D. 6
  (6)What is the Canadian leader called?
  A. President.B. Prime Minister. C. Governor. D. King.
  (7)What is the capital of Canada?
  A. Vancouver. B. Toronto.C. Calgary. D. Ottawa.
  (8)The 2010 Winter Olympics were held in.
  A. Vancouver. B. Toronto. C. Calgary.D. Ottawa.
  T:Before we go into the text,we still need to know some new words and expressions. You are going to use the following nine real-life situations to guess the meanings of the words or phrases.Do not use a translator or a dictionary. Just guess according to the sentences. Got it? Right,let"s do it.
  What does each of the underlined words most probably mean?
  1.Canada is a multicultural country,with people from European,Asian and African countries.
  A. of many cultures B. of few culture C. of a single culture
  2. Every time he goes abroad,he will take a lot of baggage,including his books and clothes.
  A. passengers B. suitcases or bags C. photos D. time
  3. A crowd of excited fans suddenly surrounded her and she couldn"t get out.
  A. be on every side B. be on one side
  C. be upside D. be far from
  3. In spite of heavy traffic,we managed to get to the airport in time. How lucky we were!
  A. decided B. hoped C. failed D. were able
  4. Canada’s population is only slightly over thirty million,so it is pretty small for a big country,isn"t it?.
  A. muchB. a little bit
  5. Looking eastward,you will see the rising sun every morning.
  A. in the direction of the east
  B. away from the direction of the east
  6.After dinner,they were back in an urban area,the busy port city of Hangzhou.
  A. city B. countryside C. space D. mountain
  7. Rather than taking (take) a plane,they decided to take a train to Montreal.
  A. More than B. Less than C. Instead of D. In addition to
  8. Many of them have a gift for riding wild horses and can win thousands of dollars in prizes.
  A. are poor at B. are good at C. are afraid of D. are tired of
  T: Time is up. Let"s check it one by one. Do tell me the reason for your choice.
  T: Now,with so many preparations for reading,let"s come into the text.
  Look at the title and the photo. Can you guess what the passage is all about and what the “true north” in the title refers to?
  T: Well,let"s see whether you are right or not together with two Chinese girls Li Daiyu and Liu Qian. Read the passage quickly to check your prediction and at the same time mark their travel route on the map.
  Finish the travel route:
  China→ Rocky Mountains→ a wheat-growing province→ Lake Superior→…Montreal
  步骤六:细读(careful reading)
  T: Now we are going to follow their trip. Let"s get to know the first city in Canada. That"s Vancouver,in Paragraph 2. Read from line 15 to line 20 carefully,thinking about more details about this city on your paper sheet.
  T: Back to their journey. The next city should be Calgary. Read Paragraph 3 carefully,with the following two questions in mind,to have a closer look at this interesting city.
  Calgary:1.What is Calgary famous for? (within 3 words)
  2. What do cowboys do in Calgary Stampede?(within 10 words)
  T: After dinner,they went to the third city called Thunder Bay. Find the key words for this city in Paragraph 4.
  Thunder Bay:It is in______areas,a busy______city at the top of______.
  T:When it comes to the Great Lakes,we heard about them in the previous listening material. Now read Paragraph 4 from Line 27 to the end,and find out why they are so important to Canada.
  The Great Lakes:Why are the Great Lakes so important to Canada? (within 15 words)
  设计意图:围绕着旅行线路中的主要大城市细读,让学生在有限的时间内有针对性地快速对文章主要信息(Vancouver,Calgary,Thunder Bay,the Great Walls)有所了解,而填写表格,用关键词表达,限词归纳等不同任务形式的设计让学生在不同方面的阅读技能上有所训练。也为本课引导学生初步了解加拿大的目标积累重要的语言表达素材。
  T: Well done. Class. Now try to create your own summary based on what you just learn in this lesson. Cover the key points on the screen while paying attention to the underlined linking words,will you?Think about it and practise it with your partner.
  S1:Two girls,Li Daiyu and Liu Qian were on a trip in Canada. Rather than take the plane all the way,they decided to take a train from west to east.
  On the way they visited such cities as Vancouver,Calgary and Thunder Bay.
  Also,they learned some basic facts about Canada as follows.
  Firstly,the distance from west to east coast is 5,500 kilometers.
  Secondly,the population is only slightly over 30 million.
  Thirdly,most Canadians live within a few hundred kilometers of the USA border.
  Finally,the largest fresh water is in the Great Lakes.
  T:Remember what I asked you about thirty minutes ago on three words about Canada? After getting more basic facts about Canada,have I made a difference? In other words,again if you have three words or phrases to describe Canada,what would you like to use this time?
   I am going to divide you into four groups.
  Group A―― three nouns(名词).
  Group B――three adjectives(形容词).
  Group C――three cities.
  Group D――three numbers.
  T: As usual,you will have my language support as shown on the screen. Now discuss with your group mates and then choose one member to give a presentation on your behalf.
  Useful language:
  To begin with(In the first place),I would use(say)…,because…
  Next comes the second word(phrase)…for the reason that…
  Finally,the third word that comes to my mind is…,as you can see…
  设计意图: 通过正确英语引导,让学生结合本课所学知识,用地道英语表达出来。在活动(一)中,学生在温故知识,整合输入语言的同时,也对叙事总结中的关联词的使用结合语境有直观了解。在活动(二)中,学生能够分小组讨论,从四个不同方面对本课所学的内容再次用三词概括,既在教师正确引导下,根据提供的语言支持进行地道输出训练,又与前面自己对加拿大初步用三个词归纳练习形成呼应,直观感受自己在本课的收获。同时在讨论回答中培养了用所学知识进行巩固和提高运用能力。
  1. Find difficult phrases or sentences to be solved for next lesson.
  2. Introduce Hangzhou using the sentences learned today.
  3. Make a brief comparison between Canada and China.
  2. 学生为主体,就是根据学生的实际情况,对教材创造性使用。如:本课的导入部分,教材建议教师开展知识测试活动,但实际上许多学校,特别是乡镇学校学生对这个主题并不了解,所以这个活动对他们来说并不实用。教师整合资源,将其改编成听力材料,让学生在听中学,既激发了他们的兴趣,也对其起到正确的引导。
  3. 诚然本节课中笔者在课堂上所起的严格的主导作用(如:每个环节所提供的语言支持或框架)在一定程度上制约了学生思路,自由表达的形成,这是一个痹端,需要进一步改善和提高。然而新课程所倡导的以学生为主体,在我看来,并不是在教学时间上完全还给学生,毕竟对大多数中国学生来说,并不实际,也不科学。英语课堂,尤其是中国这种大课堂(英语不是母语),他们在学习外语的过程中需要大量接触真实的,地道的英语,而这主要来自两大渠道:一是外国人士参编的教材;二是教师本身。我们在推荐学生阅读原滋原味文章的同时,也得考虑学生受认知能力的局限不可能对学习有科学的实质把握,从而对其语言使用起关键引导。可以说,没有一定量正确语言的输入和引导,必然不会有地道英语的输出。例如本节课在实际操作中,由于借班教学,大多数学生相对陌生内向,但在老师的语言支持下,近三分之二的同学都能尝试主动发言,并且都能讲出相对正确的英语。


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